The Missouri Department of Conservation’s state-wide “Share the Harvest Program” provides healthy animal protein through venison donated by sport hunters each year. When a hunter donates a harvested deer to a designated meat processor, the deer is processed just like beef. The meat is then given to charitable organizations to distribute to the needy directly and through meal outlets. The student chapter of The Wildlife Society is designated by MDC to pick up loads of readied venison from the meat processors and deliver the meat to Second Harvest, the region’s main charitable distribution center. From 2010-2014, the student chapter of TWS distributed an average of 1800 lbs. of venison annually. This enabled the serving of an average of 14,400 meals annually over this time period (based upon current USDA recommendations of 2 oz. meat protein/meal; USDA Food & Nutrition Service Website: In 2019, The student chapter of TWS distributed 3,366 lbs. of venison to Second Harvest Food Bank, thereby enabling the delivery of a record 26,928 meals to the needy in the St. Joseph and surrounding area. The long-term impact of this program is that people are given hope. This is a powerful tool to help people suffering misfortune to keep going until they can get back on their feet. Having a full stomach is the first place to start. The Missouri Western student chapter of TWS is committed to this program so will be there to make this small difference every year for the foreseeable future.