Legacy Cords
For the first time, at the May 2021 Commencement, the Missouri Western Alumni Association gifted legacy students with a specific cord to wear at graduation.
This Legacy Cord recognizes the connection they share with their family members who graduated before them. Students with Missouri Western graduates in their family history (parents, step-parents, or grandparents) are considered legacies. Undergraduate and graduate students were eligible.
Allison Hildebrand ’21 is one of the first graduates to receive our new legacy cord. Allison received her bachelor’s degree in speech communication in May 2021.
“I would say being a legacy means MWSU is doing its job correctly,” Allison said. “It gave my mother the tools and education she needed to help me get to graduation, and I couldn’t have done it without her.”
Allison’s mother, Rita Hildebrand ’11, agrees that it is cool. “It is such an accomplishment for both of us,” added Rita, who graduated in 2011 with a bachelor’s degree in Education.
When your legacy Griffon is ready to graduate, have them go to missouriwestern.edu/alumni/legacy-cords and register for their legacy cord.

Allison at her May 2021 Commencement.

Jack (father), Allison, Rita and Matt (brother) at Rita’s December 2011 Commencement.