The new year brings the kickoff of Missouri Western’s annual fund and an effort to encourage University supporters to join the Missouri Western League for Excellence.

The annual fund campaign includes letters, and a phonathon in the spring and fall. The spring phonathon will begin in February. “I love the phonathon because it is a great way for our students to visit with alumni and let them know what is happening on campus,” said Laura Buhman, development officer.

Jerry Pickman ’85, vice president for university advancement and executive director of the Foundation, said the annual fund is important to Missouri Western because the gifts help students reach their goals and achieve their dreams.

The Missouri Western League for Excellence is an honorary society of donors of unrestricted funds of $100 or more to the Missouri Western Foundation in support of the University’s mission.     

The Foundation kicked off the League in spring 2005, and it has garnered thousands of dollars of unrestricted funds since then, funding guest speakers, student trips, special projects, workshops for students and faculty and more.

Pickman noted that there are two features of donations to the League that set it apart as a giving society: one, all donations must be unrestricted; and two, League members express an intent to contribute at a designated level each year for as long as they are able to do so.

“Membership in the League is a great way for people to say, ‘I’m committed to Missouri Western and its students, and I’m in it for the long haul,’” Pickman said.

Each spring, faculty members and staff across campus submit requests to the Allocation Committee of the Foundation Board of Directors for funding from the League. For the academic year 2012-13, the committee allocated $49,590 for 21 projects.

Pickman said the main purpose of donations to the annual fund and the League are to provide more opportunities for students.

“My life changed because of the support I received from generous people,” said nursing student Mary Theis. “The greatest gift you can give a student is an education.”