Professors from three disciplines across campus collaborated recently to develop a minor in peace and conflict studies. This fall, Missouri Western began offering the minor, thanks to the efforts of Joanne Katz, professor of legal studies; Dr. David Kratz Mathies, assistant professor of philosophy; and Dr. Ed Taylor, assistant professor of political science.

“This is a real benefit to our students because we all bring in different perspectives,” Dr. Taylor said. Dr. Kratz Mathies noted that several religions focus on peace activism, Katz has been involved in restorative justice programs, and Dr. Taylor, whose dissertation focus was conflict studies in Northern Ireland, brings the perspective of how governments can solve conflicts without violence.

Dr. Taylor said in his discipline of international relations, his college courses focused a lot on war, but not how to stop wars and the aftermath of war. As an undergraduate and graduate student, he wanted to take courses that focused on non-violent resolutions, but he couldn’t find any. “I am happy that we will expose Missouri Western students to this.”

The courses in the minor, said Dr. Kratz Mathies, cover the entire spectrum of conflict resolution from interpersonal to international relationships. Classes will discuss the causes of conflict between people and the mechanisms for resolution.

“When David suggested this, it was fabulous,” Katz said of the minor. “I’ve been trying to say this is important for a long time.”

“This brings a different set of skills that students can take to any job,” Dr. Taylor said. “It’s very exciting.”