The official lost and found for the University is located in the Blum Student Union in room 228 in the Dean of Students office. Any found or unclaimed property can be turned into this location where it is kept in a secure location. Items are generally held for the remainder of the academic year in which it was turned in or longer if required by law until they are claimed.
Lost Items:
There are several options available to report your lost property:
- You may report in person by stopping in the office in Blum 228
- Give us a call at (816) 271-4432
- Send an email to with a description of your lost item
Logging Items:
- Items that are turned in are inventoried upon arrival and logged into the Lost and Found database, listing the item; the date turned in, a description of the item and then placed in a secure location. A log is available to individuals missing items. We will list the lost items with their names, email or phone number and contact them if their item is turned in.
- Our staff will make every effort to contact the individual as soon as possible if the item contains identification. Contact is made to the students’ Missouri Western email, a phone number or an address.
- To attempt to ensure lost items are returned to the rightful owners, persons claiming items must describe the item(s) as closely as possible and provide identification.
- Items containing cash, or items with an estimated value of $100 or more will be verified by a second person, logged in and put in a secure location.
- Cellphones or wallets are given to the Office Coordinator in the University Police Department after 4:30 pm or on weekends to be secured.
- If you feel your property was stolen, as opposed to lost, please contact the University Police to file an official police report.
Storage of items: Larger items are kept at a campus surplus location until claimed. e.g. bikes and scooters
Disposing of Items:
- Driver’s Licenses will be mailed to the address listed on the license.
- Student Identification cards (e.g. credit or debit cards) will be destroyed if not claimed by the appropriate owner.
- Cell phones will be donated to a non-‐profit organization that has a cell phone donation program.
- Prescription eyeglasses/sunglasses will be donated to the local Lions Club.
- Identifiable University Keys are sent to the Key Office, located in West Campus. Keys to residential halls will be turned into Residential Life located in the Commons Building.
- When we recieve a key/Student ID we will email the student and let them know they can pick them up at the Commons Building.
- Unmatched items, damaged items, perishable, or other non-‐resale items will be discarded or recycled.
- All other items will be taken to the local thrift store deposit location. A staff member or their designee will organize, inventory and pack the items for delivery.
**Other areas on campus that may have lost and found items are The Office of Residential Life and The University Police Department**
Contact Information/Hours of Operation:
Blum lost and found office: (816) 271-4432
Business hours: Mon – Fri 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM Sat -‐ Sun closed
Residential Life front desk: (816) 383-7100
Business hours: Mon – Fri 8:00 AM – midnight during the school year.
During the summer: Mon – Fri 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM Sat -‐ Sun closed
Police Department: (816) 271-4438
Business Hours: Mon – Fri 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM After hours there is always an officer on duty and the office phone is forwarded to a cell phone they have with them.

Lost & Found