

Vogt, Alana; Hunter, Nick; Ng, Yu Kai Levonorgestrel and Apoptosis on HeLa Cells

Levonorgestrel is a synthetic female sex hormone that is primarily used as the main component in Plan B pills as an over-the-counter emergency contraceptive. In a study done in 2010, levonorgestrel was found to induce apoptosis in uterine leiomyoma cells. This data encouraged the idea that levonorgestrel will induce apoptosis in HeLa cells as well.

Dr. Kristen Walton

Morrison, Lillian; Teachout, Caleb; Phipps, Monét Does Red 40 induce apoptosis in HeLa cells?

Apoptosis is a form of programmed cell death. We introduced 3 different concentrations of red 40 (control, 15 um, 250 um, 1500 um) to HeLa cells then used the P53 assay, Caspase assay, and Dapi staining to determine how much (if any) apoptosis had occurred when exposed to red 40. We hypothesized that there would be an increase in apoptosis when cells were exposed to high levels of red 40.

Dr. Walton

Pearl, Maddie; Rowland, Katelynn; Zabloudil, Carly; Drame, Rokhaya Celcius Induced Apoptosis of HeLa Cells

This research was conducted to assess whether or not energy drinks, specifically Celcius, could induce apoptosis in HeLa cells. Celcius is an energy drink that contains caffeine as well as some vitamins. Apoptosis is a programmed cell-death process that cells do when they are experiencing some type of stress. In this experiment we treated HeLa cells with either control or 3 concentrations of Celcius and looked at caspase activation, DNA fragmentation and the presence of p53.

Dr. Walton

Sevart, David; Keegan, Yancey; Mapel, Zach Effects of ashwagandha on apoptosis

Ashwagandha is a recently popular health supplement, which has evidence towards having anti-cancer benefits. In this study, we look at if ashwagandha causes or prevents/slows apoptosis in HeLa cancer cells via fluorescent microscopy and western blot analysis. With our methods, we saw no effect on preventing or slowing apoptosis in HeLa cells.

Dr. Kristen Walton

Lewis, Brian Understanding the evolutionary patterns of EG.5 (Eris), the latest Coronavirus strain

The virus SARS CoV-2 is characterized by its coating and is known to continuously evolve through genetic mutations or viral recombination. Omicron is currently described as the variant of concern and contains multiple lineages, including EG.5 (Eris). Omicron was first identified in South Africa and has traveled across the world in a matter of weeks. Thus far, Omicron lineages including EG.5 are suggested to cause milder symptoms. The purpose of this project is to understand the evolutionary patterns of this new variant and the diagnostic tools that will be helpful for the detection of EG.5. Mutations in the spike protein will be evaluated and associated with transmissibility and infectivity of the SARS CoV-2.

Dr. Tilottama Roy

Cook, Tyson; Roy, Tilottama Prairie Dicot Surveys: An analysis utilizing single season occupancy models

The John Rushin Teaching and Research Prairie is a 14 ha newly restored tallgrass prairie with a large composition of legumes, asters, and milkweeds. These groups in particular are used by many endangered species, and are incredibly important for ongoing conservation efforts. The goal of this project is to understand the spatio-temporal abundance of these vital species inside the restored prairie. During the growing season single season occupancy models will be utilized to analyze species presence and abundance. We expect to find lower abundance and higher rarity of species listed as threatened or endangered. Understanding the presence and abundance of these and other species within the restored prairie will allow us to make recommendations for management and restoration to improve ecosystem health and biodiversity.

Dr. Roy

Literature Review

Shull, Autumn; Cartwright, Jackson Illegal Wildlife Trade

We conducted a literary review on illegal wildlife trade around the world. We focused on how animals are treated and highlighted 2 different studies in other countries with high levels of illegal wildlife trade.

Dr. Cary Chevalier

Pearl, Maddie Man’s Best Friend’s Worst Enemy: Heartworms

The purpose of this presentation is to demonstrate different aspects of heartworm disease and the effect they have had on our world and pet population. Heartworms are parasitic worms, up to 1 foot long, that invade and attack the heart, lungs, and blood vessels of the infected individual. Heartworms are spread via the bite of an infected mosquito and can be found anywhere on earth where mosquitos reside. Heartworm infects mainly dogs, but occasionally people and other mammals like cats and ferrets. In extremely rare cases heartworm has even been reported in humans. Heartworm will always result in death if not treated and treatment is very rigorous. Treatment involves months of medication and restricting activity for the duration of the treatment. While treatment options are both plentiful and successful, an animal’s best bet is to take monthly preventative medicine.

Dr. Baker, Dr. Walton

Brown, Lyndie Lyssavirus, Rabies

My poster is a brief description of the rabies virus, and how it is a “plague” on humanity. It goes into detail about the history, the virus itself, and the rabies vaccination. There are some pictures on the poster as well to help people better understand exactly what is being described.

Dr. Baker and Dr. Walton

Burnsides, Maya How The Measles Has Changed The World

This poster aims to inform on the important effects that the Measles virus has had on the world. Many diseases have had their effect on the planet, and it is important that the Measles virus does not become overlooked. This poster will help convey differences in social changes, vaccine research, primitive treatments, and the history of the virus.

Dr. Baker, Dr. Walton

Calhoun, Trystin The Impact Mumps Has Had On Our World

To begin my presentation, I will include the origins of this disease and the symptoms that are related to Mumps, including pictures and details describing the most horrific cases. This section will include which parts of the body the virus targets and how our immune system responds. Then I will briefly discuss the biological characteristics of the virus and how it spreads from human to human or animal to human, depending on the original host. Finally, I will discuss the different societal impacts Mumps has brought to the world. These societal impacts will include how Mumps has affected the economical welfare, social tensions, medical advancements, political aspects, and cultural changes around the world. By doing this, I will be able to summarize how detrimental the Mumps virus has been to society.

Dr. Kristen Walton, Dr. Jason Baker

Justus, Angel; Cartwright, Jackson Benefits of Prescribed Burns

We read literature to determine the benefits and drawbacks of prescribed burns and controlled burns. We look at the methods, precautions, and dangers of alternatives to present all the evidence in relation to prescribed burns.

Dr Cary Chevalier

Chambers, Braxton; Hoerr, Ethan The Dynamics of Gray Wolf Reintroduction on North American Ecosystems

Before the early 20th Century, wolves inhabited most North American ecosystems. But due to cultural and societal stigmatization, gray wolves were extirpated from the United States in the early twentieth century. However, thanks to the Endangered Species Act, we are seeing a resurgence of the once-abundant wolf population. This presentation covers their role in the ecosystem through trophic cascades and indirect effects, how wolf removal affected their habitats, and how their reintroduction has helped the conservation of North America’s ecosystems.

Dr. Cary Chevalier

Gazi, Sam; Mercado, Terrence Aviation in Wildlife Management

A detailed look into how aviation is used in the discipline of wildlife management. Discussed are its effects, modern day challenges, and utility.

Cary Chevalier

Sears, Jaeden; Sorrells, Mack; Wellman, Brandi Ecology and Regeneration Due To Wolf Reintroduction

Our poster will be about the reintroduction of the grey wolf to parts of the United States such as Yellowstone National Park and the state of Colorado. We have researched some of the papers that have been written about the topic to give a review through a poster of how the ecosystem was affected with and without wolves. The overall goal of the project is to gain a better understanding of how one species can drastically change an ecosystem.

Cary Chevalier

Bathke, Benjamin; Quick, Carson Grazing as a Management Tool

Our Poster is over, grazing as a management tool

Dr. Chevalier

Allen, Grace; Weber, Sonja Restoration, Reintroduction, and Rewilding

A comparison of restoration, reintroduction, and rewilding and the considerations and implications of each. We also reviewed when all of these wildlife management applications are appropriate for the environment and the situations at hand.

Dr. Cary Chevalier

Hendrickson, Zachary; Bicklein, Walter Natural Reintroduction of Mountain Lions (Puma concolor) in Missouri

While people often talk about reintroducing wildlife to certain areas, sometimes nature does the job for us. Mountain lions are still occasionally spotted in Missouri even though they are not yet officially recognized as being present numbers are shown to be increasing in bordering states, which indicates that they are just beginning to reestablish themselves naturally.

Dr. Cary Chevalier

Cook, Tyson; Shull, Autumn Applications of Drones in Wildlife Conservation

A synthesis of available literature on the uses and applications of drones for wildlife conservation and management

Dr. Chevalier

Cook, Tyson Gibberella Fujikuroi: Foolish Seedling Disease

A synthesis of available literature pertaining to the Gibberella fungus and the spread of Foolish Seedling Disease in crop species across the globe

Dr. Baker and Dr. Walton

Cook, Tyson; Evans, Boaz; Frye, Rene; Hoerr, Ethan; Jameson, Connor; Justus, Angel; King, Aaron; Mercado, Terence; Peaslee, Camrin; Sears, Jaeden; Kyla Spradlin and Csengele Barta Can plant-plant allelochemical interactions affect tomato plant responses to increasing soil salinity? A summative case example of course-based original undergraduate research in Plant Physiology (BIO 440) at MWSU.

One of the great career challenges for students majoring in diverse fields of plant biology, including ecology, organismal plant biology, wildlife conservation or natural sciences, plant biochemistry and molecular biology is the increasing demand and expectations for hands-on experiences in cutting-edge research techniques, methods and diverse approaches to problem-solving and experimental design.

The current work aimed to bridge this gap, and presents the class-wide summary of the original research conducted in an upper division plant science course at MWSU, in Plant Physiology (BIO440), during the Spring of 2024. These research modules, deeply rooted in the instructor’s bench research and research interests, provided active learning opportunities for students to master skills in experimental design, data collection and analysis, critical thinking, and problem-solving related to plant physiological processes under controlled conditions.

Csengele Barta

Evans, Boaz; Spradlin, Kyla Chronic Wasting Disease in Cervids

We did our literature review on Chronic Wasting Disease in Cervids. Our project reviews the history of CWD leading up to the present. It outlines conservation techniques used to combat CWD as well as the effects of CWD.

Dr. Cary Chevalier

Oldham, Daya; Coon, Alika Illegal Trade of Endangered Animals in Africa: Rhinos

This presentation is over the illegal trade of the endangered black rhino, along with the mention of other African species. It briefly describes the role of poaching and why the Rhino is deemed valuable.

Dr. Chevalier

Peaslee, Camrin; Jameson, Connor Conservation of Oceanic Species: Main Threats of Hawksbill Sea Turtle

The conservation of the Hawksbill Sea Turtle. They are a critically endangered sea turtle species. We discuss about their characteristics, main threats, laws and regulations, and conservation efforts. They are super important for the environment because they play a huge role in maintaining the balance of marine ecosystems. Sea sponges and algae are crucial components of reefs which Hawksbill Sea Turtles primarily feast on. Without the Hawksbill these ecosystems would be disrupted.

Dr. Chevalier

Wilhelmsen, Shelton; Larimer, Gabe; Hollingsworth, Tyler Conservation History of the Whooping Crane

The Whooping Crane has had much help in its recovery since its encounter with the brink of death. The encounter occurred in 1938, when the crane’s population dropped to 15 individuals. Since then, their populations have been increasing. Their range has also receded, now consisting of two strips reaching from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico. Much work has gone into their conservation in recent history, and this poster seeks to review their history, conservation methods, and population status.

Dr C. D. Chevalier

Turner, Falcon; Spradley, Amber The Management of The Gray Wolf in Yellowstone National Park

We read the Yellowstone National Park management guide for the gray wolf. Through additional research we created a presentation highlighting, the extirpation event of the 1920’s, their role in the ecosystem, their reintroduction, and the outcomes of their current management.

Cary Chevalier

Myers, David; Black, Cy Upland Game Bird Habitat and Management

We looked at the habitat and management of upland game bird species across the United States. Upland game birds are a historic in hunting heritage, especially in regards to westward expansion.

Dr. Cary Chevalier

Summary of an internship or practicum experience Larison, Teri Beaver Activity Monitoring at Loess Bluffs National Wildlife Refuge

During Spring 2024, I had the opportunity to intern at Loess Bluffs National Wildlife Refuge. While I worked on multiple projects, the one I had the most hand in was a beaver monitoring project. Beavers are important to wetland ecosystems, but their way of managing their habitat includes damming up waterways. This can cause issues for managers who want to be able to control and predict the water levels in the wetlands. The beaver monitoring project is meant to be a long-term monitoring project that creates a record of beaver activity and how it impacts target water levels for the wetlands. During my internship I assisted in the collection of data by checking water levels and beaver activity at Loess Bluffs.

Dr. Cary Chevalier



Euler, Shane; Sotelo, Adam; Fortner, Jake; Fuller, Mathew Usability Testing of Lego Instructions

This project is a test of the usability of lego instructions. Usability is efficiency and clarity of instructions, and can be evaluated through quantitative and qualitative measures. In this project, we are measuring what percentage of the lego pieces that were able to be correctly put together within the 30 minutes allotted. Quantitative data is collected through this process. Qualitative measures are evaluated through a brief survey in order to evaluate the clarity of instructions.

Dr. Adkins

Bumgardner, Sarah; Nitzschke, Andrew; Burns, Kadyn; Bowen, Donovan Usability Testing of Instructions on How to Make Slime

This project is a test of the usability of instructions written by a mother on how to make slime. She advertises this as a project to do with children. Usability is the degree to which something is able or fit to be used, and can be evaluated through quantitative and qualitative measures. Quantitative data is the data collected through observation of the users, such as the amount of completed or correct steps, time to complete, and instances of asking for help among other factors. Qualitative data comes from how the user rates their experience, such as through a survey or think aloud protocol. We will give users the instructions to follow along with as well as all the listed materials. Observation and a post-activity survey will allow us to evaluate clarity and efficiency of the instructions.

Dr. Kaye Adkins

Jenkins, Madalynn; imsirovic, Malakai Four Strand Bracelet Instructions; Usability Testing

This project is a test of the usability of a four strand bracelet instruction guide. Usability is the measurement of how easily users can follow and navigate instructions. This can be evaluated through quantitative and qualitative measures. The quantitative data is collected through timekeeping, measuring how long it takes the participants to complete the bracelet. The qualitative data will be collected through a survey asking participants their thoughts regarding the clarity and efficiency of the instructions. Participants will be given the instructions and materials necessary to make the bracelet. Through observation, timekeeping, and a post completion survey, the usability of the four strand bracelet instructions will be evaluated.

Dr. Kaye Actions

Euler, Shane Beneficial Impacts of Conservation

This research project is intended to explore a correlation between programs in the conservation field, and the benefits that the participants will reap. Research in this field has derived from many youth programs, both in the US and abroad, as well as published books involving wildlife biology and the values derived from wildlife. My presentation will present a linkage between the benefits gained from involvement in conservation efforts, and highlight key figures and topics from literary sources that I’ve obtained. All sources used will be properly cited and given credit.

Mr. Brandon Herring

Craig School of Business


van der westhuizen, Sherine; Updike, Alex; Goforth, Blake; Ellis, Elle; Henderson, Katelyn; Sanchez, Jessica; Jones, Alli Effectiveness of AI in Forensic Accounting

Our research involved the influence of artificial intelligence on forensic accounting efforts. A hot topic circulating the media and market discussions is the growing implementation and effects of A.I. in the commercial and financial world. Our group specifically targeted the focus of a forensic accounting investigation by summarizing current research to show the effectiveness of the technology’s ability to catch suspicious or abnormal activities that often lead to account fraud. The strengths and weaknesses of A.I. in Forensic Accounting was compiled through a study of scholarly articles to determine the current and predicted role it has in the field.

Dr. Perry Adkins

Zook, Kayla Real Supply Chain Management Impact From AI

Procurement and supply chain have mainly been a manual-led function with obsolete legacy technologies like Excel. These processes can be time consuming and prone to a lot of errors. The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into supply chain management has been transformative, providing substantial efficiencies, enhancing decision-making capabilities, and reshaping operations across various industries. AI algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data, identify patterns and trends, optimize routes and schedules, and automate tasks. The impact of AI on Supply Chain Trends Include: 1) Improved Predictive Maintenance: AI enables predictive maintenance by analyzing sensor data and historical maintenance records to predict when equipment is likely to fail, allowing for proactive maintenance and reduced downtime. 2) Optimized inventory management: AI algorithms can forecast demand, optimize inventory levels, and predict stockouts and overstocking, leading to reduced inventory costs and improved customer service. 3) Smarter Logistics: AI can optimize routes, reduce fuel consumption, and improve delivery times by analyzing traffic patterns, weather conditions, and other factors that impact transportation. 4) Intelligent Demand Forecasting: AI can analyze historical sales data, consumer behavior, and external factors to predict future demand more accurately, enabling better production planning and resource allocation. 5) Enhanced Supply Chain Visibility: AI-powered supply chain visibility platforms can integrate data from multiple sources, providing real-time insights into the entire supply chain, from raw materials to final delivery. This improves decision-making, risk management, and overall supply chain efficiency.

Amit Verma

Literature review

Keling, Caleb BlockChain Usage in Supply Chains

Blockchain has become more prevalent in supply chain management, offering enhanced transparency, traceability, security, and efficiency. Disadvantages include difficulty in scalability, privacy concerns, high costs, and high energy consumption rates. This project examines the practicality behind utilizing Blockchain to manage supply chains. The literature review aims to address the following questions: how does Blockchain impact overall supply chain efficiency, how does Blockchain affect security of goods within a supply chain, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of using Blockchain to manage supply chain systems relative to their traditional counterparts in practice.

Amit Verma

Viers, Tiana Sourcing Locally: Opportunities and Challenges

A big debate in the business industry is whether to source globally or locally. With global sourcing, a business acquires its products or services across international borders. With local sourcing, though, a business obtains its products or materials from sources within close proximity. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, nearly 75% of companies had reported major supply chain disruptions according to During the pandemic, these disruptions only worsened, resulting in businesses discussing whether sourcing locally or even reshoring was the answer to supply chain woes. This project evaluates both the opportunities and challenges of sourcing locally through literature review. The goal is to give insight on whether local sourcing is a feasible solution for supply chain resilience and when a business should consider sourcing locally. It will discuss the various costs, as well as implications on business and economies when procurement takes place locally.

Amit Verma

Criminal Justice and Legal Studies

Summary of an internship or practicum experience

Maguire, Patrick Privatized Security

The American Society for Industrial Security defines private security as the nongovernmental, private-sector practice of protecting people, property, and information, conducting investigations, and otherwise safeguarding an organization’s assets. A career in Privatized Security can take many forms. As such it is important to have some experience prior to entering the field full time. The best way to gain such experience is through an internship program. I recently completed an internship with XXXX security company and was able to participate in onsite security operations, conduct field service calls, participate on XXXX. This provided exposure to the policies and procedures in the field and also allowed me to apply my classroom knowledge in a practical setting. In addition to getting the practical experience, this internship allowed me to make connections and develop a professional network that will be helpful as I transition to a full-time career after graduation. The poster will provide an overview of private security as a field as well as a summary of my internship experience and how this will support my ongoing professional development.

Gregory Lindsteadt



Holcomb, Cameron Misconceptions: French and Americans through Language and Culture Project

This semester, we explored how misconceptions are built and how we can tame them as teacher candidates of today. One of the big assignments was the Language project in which we explored different cultures through language which is significant in individual’s identity. This review focuses on French language and culture and dig through misconceptions and how I can deconstruct that as a future teacher. Findings revealed that Learning and understanding French culture has helped me consider their perspective, and tremendously tamed my stereotypes. Finally, this research will end up in providing research-based action steps and some framework of working with people of other origins in general especially French people.

Dr. Benedict Adams

Orr, Camryn Japanese language and culture project

For future educators it is important to create an inclusive and supportive environment in the classroom for my students. To do this we must recognize the biases and challenges that teacher will face in the classroom regarding language. This includes educating ourselves about the many different languages we might encounter as educators. This semester we completed several projects that allowed us to explore the relationship between language and culture. The project I will be sharing about was my research into Japanese language and culture. The insights gained through this project have helped me know how to build a more inclusive classroom and support students from a variety of cultures and speaking a variety of languages.

Dr. Benedict Adams

Garrett, Quentin French Language and Culture Project

It is so difficult to create a welcoming classroom community for students from culturally and linguistically backgrounds, as well as ensure that they are able to meet highest academic standards if you do not understand their cultures, beliefs, and values. At the same time, research states that nearly 90% of teachers leave their profession before five years because of frustration, misunderstanding, classroom management, and lack of motivation due to lack proper teacher training and exposure. This study examines how to meet educational needs of students from French origin through the Language and Culture Project. Data was collected through an array of different historical and cultural websites and also personally learning French through the language learning app Duolingo. Findings reveal significant growth as a teacher candidate with my ability to understand students from a cultural background which is different from mine. Through this process of both learning and researching about the French language and culture, I have learned to keep an open mind in understanding others from different cultural backgrounds. This will benefit my time as a teacher because I know how hard it is to learn a new language as well as respecting students no matter where they come from which I will share with others as a research-based toolkit.

Dr. Benedict Adams

Moore, Selena Child Growth and Development

A presentation of theorist’s concepts and theories along with trauma and support tactics to help future teachers better understand children.

Ollie Bogdon

Engineering Technology


Henderson, Trenton Easy Removal Circuit Pieces

This is a research project figuring out how to alter circuit components to find an easier way to remove and replace them. This project has many benefits, including that it will allow anyone to be able to easily change circuit components, make circuit boards more recyclable, and still keep the surface mounting technology. Basic procedure: I wanted to find a way to easily remove hot swappable components from circuit boards. To do this I decided to solder a circuit component to a small piece of circuit board that is able to plug into the main circuit board. Another thing to plan for was to make sure that the components will stay seated properly and not fall out due to things like vibration while still being easy to remove and replace. I also wanted to see how hard it was to assemble and test if it was an effective method.

Jinwen Zhu

Summary of an internship or practicum experience

Young, Austin E-Bike Conversion Kit and Speedometer

In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the popularity of electric bikes due to their eco-friendliness, cost-effectiveness, and convenience. E-Bikes are expensive to purchase and expensive to ship to your home. This product is a conversion kit that converts a pedal driven bike to an E-Bike that functions like any other E-Bike with a speedometer installed. This conversion kit is cost-effective and can be purchased and shipped at a significant discount compared to buying a fully assembled E-Bike, making E-Bikes more accessible to a wider range of people. The goal of this research is to design and create an E-Bike conversion kit that is easy to install and use, while also being affordable and reliable. This project aims to address the growing demand for E-Bikes and provide a solution that is both practical and cost-effective for consumers. Through extensive research and testing, it will demonstrate the feasibility and benefits of the E-Bike conversion kit and its potential impact on the future of personal transportation.

Dr. Jinwen Zhu



Gertner, Makayla; Greene, Cassandra; Sample, Katelyn; Stutz, Amelia; Weed, Taryn The Effects of Nursing Interventions on Urinary Retention

This project aims to investigate the use of other interventions, such as kegel exercises paired with intermittent self-catheterization, the use of bladder infusions, medications such as alpha blockers, and noninvasive interventions such as caffeinated beverages, running water, and warm compresses on the perineal area rather than using permanent indwelling catheterization.

Mackenzie Evans

Merida-Cifuentes, Alexa; Ruiz, Mary; Finch, Somers; Evans, Camille; Perez, Ryan Reducing Unplanned Cesareans via Exercise

In recent years, there has been an increase in the amount of cesareans, especially in those that are unplanned. A reduction method for these unplanned c-sections is implementing exercise. By engaging in exercise, it can decrease the amount of complications like diabetes and weight gain therefore reducing c-sections overall because the research has shown that diet and exercise influence fetal growth and birth weight which are main contributors to cesarean delivery.

Latha Varghese

Bryson, Macie; Markt, Maddi; Richardson, Kerrin; Jackson, Jill; Heitman, Emma Vaginal Birth Versus Cesarean Section Births and the Risks Involved

C-sections and vaginal births are the two delivery methods that bring new life into the world. Obstetrics is the care associated with pregnancy and childbirth. In obstetric care, providers have to consider the risks of the two different procedures and weigh the benefits against the risks. This essentially is a decision between a vaginal birth or a cesarean birth. The aim of this project is to compare the risks between vaginal births and cesarean births through finding common themes in various research articles. We will synthesize the findings into one cohesive research critique poster that will summarize the benefits and risks of both procedures.

Latha Varghese

Cole, Madeline; Gentry, Jameson; Kennedy, Dominique; Summers, Merle; Pummell, Dakota Sepsis Bundle Compared to Standard Care when Identifying Sepsis

Sepsis remains a critical challenge in healthcare leading to high rates of mortality and further complications, especially in critical care patients. It is important to bring awareness to this topic throughout the health care world to decrease mortality rates and improve patient outcomes. It is crucial that awareness is brought to this topic as sepsis can ensue quickly or over time depending on the circumstances. The symptoms include fever, hypotension, low urine output, confusion, and tachycardia. These symptoms are commonly found in other diagnosis which is why it’s important to bring awareness to this topic and why research is needed. The aim of this project is to assess sepsis protocols in the healthcare setting and determine an effective approach to sepsis and septic shock diagnoses. We will do so by a comprehensive literary review of peer reviewed articles that answer our clinical question: In critical care patients presenting with septic shock symptoms, how does a sepsis bundle (sepsis protocol) compared to a standard treatment plan improve mortality and morbidity.

Mackenzie Evans

Literature review Knipp, Linsey; Clay, Crush; Francis, Kyleigh Sepsis in the Healthcare System

Sepsis is a time critical medical emergency and if left untreated, it can have devastating effects on the patient. Sepsis also creates a financial, physical, emotional, and mental burden on the healthcare system. There are several risk assessment screening tools for early identification of sepsis and mortality risk. The aim of our research is to complete a systematic review of the most popular screening tools used in the hospital setting to assess their specificity and sensitivity in the timely identification of sepsis. Timely identification of sepsis is critical in the treatment and prognosis of patients.

Wendy Woolston

Woelk, Lauren; Hale, Emma; Prussman, Lynden Effects of Continuous Glucose Monitoring on Future Risk of DKA

Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) is an excellent tool to utilize in the management of Type 1 diabetes (T1D) by providing constant glucose readings, thereby helping to prevent complications of elevated glucose levels such as diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). T1D patients are at substantial risk of DKA if glucose levels are not well controlled. The aim of our project is to complete a systematic review to determine if utilization of a CGM compared to no CGM reduces DKA hospital admissions in T1D patients. We will be researching peer-reviewed journal articles examining the use of CGMs by patients with T1D and the subsequent rate of DKA admission to the hospital.

Mackenzie Evans

Bilby, Steve; Dierenfeldt, Olivia; Griffin, Tad; Livengood, Gracie; Whetstine, Kinlee For critically ill patients, how does implementing a sepsis screening tool and early intervention compare to routine clinical assessment in improving survival rates and reducing long-term complications from sepsis?

“For critically ill patients, how does implementing a sepsis screening tool and early intervention compare to routine clinical assessment in improving survival rates and reducing long-term complications from sepsis?” This project aims to examine the outcome of patients after implementing the qSOFA method of sepsis screening versus the traditional routine clinical assessment to detect early sepsis and prevent further complications. The qSOFA screening method evaluates the respiratory rate, systolic blood pressure, and mental status as a way to quickly and effectively screen for sepsis. We will analyze 5-10 peer reviewed study articles that have researched and evaluated the qSOFA screening tool versus traditional clinical assessment in detecting early signs of sepsis and improving patient outcomes and reducing long-term complications as well as mortality rates.

Latha Varghese



Allison, Emma; Wells, Koryn; Cook, Kaycee; Glover, Reese; Keithley, Rhonda; Russell, Toleda; Waggoner, Alexia Attachment to Pets and Mental Well-being

The purpose of this study was to explore how pet attachment and human attachment affect mental well-being. We investigated how the strength of pet attachment would either positively or negatively impact mental well-being. Seventy-three participants consented to the study and took a demographic questionnaire, pet attachment scale, experiences in close relationships scale, life engagement test, and patient health questionnaire. We found that participants with stronger pet attachment had better mental well-being and participants with stronger human attachment had poorer mental well-being. Our findings indicate that there may be a connection between one’s pet attachment and mental health.

Dr. Teddi Deka