The Annual Conference on Applied Learning in Higher Education (CALHE) will be held March 6-7, 2025 on the campus of Missouri Western State University.
Assessment of Applied Learning
The 2025 conference theme focuses on assessment tools, strategies, and outcomes in applied learning. Participants are invited to share their approaches, successes, and lessons learned in their assessment of applied learning. Submissions do not have to directly encompass the theme. We welcome submissions that may address an applied learning activity, community engagement or research, including theoretical and philosophical foundations of applied learning.
Keynote Presentation
“Reflection as Assessment: Leveraging Critical Reflection to Assess Learning” presented by Patrick M. Green
Applied learning offers students an opportunity to engage more deeply in a topic of study, and reflection strategies enhance such learning. Yet, how do students learn to reflect and how do educators scaffold reflection? Can reflection be both a form of learning and a form of assessment? Drawing from research on experiential and high-impact learning, this presentation will elevate critical reflection as a pedagogical learning strategy, as a life skill, and as a form of assessment.
Patrick M. Green, is the Executive Director of the Center for Engaged Learning, Teaching, and Scholarship (CELTS), and a Clinical Assistant Professor in the School of Education at Loyola University Chicago. He teaches experiential learning courses, including community-based learning, academic internships, global service-learning, and undergraduate research, as well as graduate courses in the Higher Education Program. He currently serves as Editor of Metropolitan Universities journal for the Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities (CUMU). He is coeditor of Re-conceptualizing Faculty Development in Service-Learning/Community Engagement: Exploring Intersections, Frameworks, and Models of Practice (Stylus Publishing, 2018), Crossing Boundaries: Tension and Transformation in International Service-Learning (Stylus Publishing, 2014), Guest Editor of Metropolitan Universities Journal special issue on place-based pedagogy and anchor initiatives (April, 2023), Guest Editor of Experiential Learning and Teaching in Higher Education special issues on justice and experiential education (ELTHE, fall 2021 and spring 2022), and Guest Editor of Metropolitan Universities Journal special issue on faith and community engagement (December, 2020). In addition, Dr. Green served as Guest Editor of a special issue of the Jesuit Higher Education Journal focused on imagination and hope in Jesuit education (December 2023), and as a co-editor for a special issue of International Journal of Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement (IJRSLCE) focused on Practitioner-Scholars in late winter 2023/24. Dr. Green serves as a Scholar-in-Residence with the International Association for Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement (IARSCLE), an Engaged Scholar with the Society of Experiential Education (SEE), and an Engaged Scholar with National Campus Compact. Dr. Green was honored with the 2022 Barbara A. Holland Scholar-Administrator Award by the Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities (CUMU), nominated by peers and selected by a committee of sitting and retired presidents, for “an integrated record of administrative leadership and high-impact scholarship that has shaped ideas and actions within and beyond their institution.”