The Annual Conference on Applied Learning in Higher Education (CALHE) will be held March 6-7, 2025 on the campus of Missouri Western State University.
Assessment of Applied Learning
The 2025 conference theme focuses on assessment tools, strategies, and outcomes in applied learning. Participants are invited to share their approaches, successes, and lessons learned in their assessment of applied learning. Submissions do not have to directly encompass the theme. We welcome submissions that may address an applied learning activity, community engagement or research, including theoretical and philosophical foundations of applied learning.
Presentation Guidelines
Oral Presentations
Oral presentations will be limited to 25 minutes including time for questions. The Conference will provide a podium, presentation computer, mic, and projector. Presentations should be prepared in PowerPoint or Google slides and may be displayed from a memory stick or accessed from a Cloud-based drive. While a limited number of Mac interface cables will be available, it is recommended that you bring one if you will be using a Mac. If you would like to display from your own laptop you are welcome to do so, though it will need to be HDMI capable.
Poster Presentations
Posters should be no more than 48″ x 48″ in size. The Conference will provide easels, poster boards, and thumbtacks. Presenters should plan to put their posters up 5-10 minutes prior to the beginning of the session and should be available at their poster to engage in discussion during the poster session. Poster sessions will run for 90 minutes.
Roundtable Discussions
Roundtable discussions should be designed to last no longer than 30 minutes. The Conference will provide a presentation computer, mic, and projector. Wireless microphones will be available to facilitate discussion and Q&A. Roundtable presenters are responsible for providing any handouts, flyers, etc. that may be distributed to session attendees.
Workshops should be designed to last no longer than 50 minutes and should seek to engage the attendee in the workshop topic. The Conference will provide a presentation computer, mic, and projector. Wireless microphones will be available to facilitate discussion and Q&A. Workshop presenters are responsible for providing any handouts, flyers, or other materials that may be distributed to session attendees.