To succeed in the classroom as a secondary school teacher, you need a specific skill set that not only prepares you to teach teen-aged students, but also equips you with a level of expertise in your chosen subject.
The Department of Education is state and nationally approved to offer courses in the following areas: K-12 Music (Instrumental and Vocal), 9-12 Social Science, and 9-12 Business. Students must have a grade-point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale in their content area and in education coursework and an overall GPA of 2.5.
The Department of Education also offers alternative certification in additional 9-12 and K-12 fields through an alternative certification route, at the graduate level. This certification route is for those who already have a bachelor’s degree in an content area. Please see the MAT – Secondary website for more details:
Contact the Education Department to learn more or schedule an appointment with an advisor today!