Dr. Adrienne Johnson
Chair | Professor
Dr. Adrienne Johnson
Chairperson & Professor
Ph.D./M.A., Linguistics, University of Kansas
M.Ed., Curriculum & Instruction, National Louis University
B.A., Psychology & Spanish, University of Denver
Office: Murphy Hall 111M
Office Phone: (816) 271-4303
Email: ajohnson76@missouriwestern.edu
Courses Taught (undergraduate and graduate):
TSL 467/661 Second Language Acquisition
TSL 469/562 Materials and Assessments for ELLs
TSL 632 Introduction to Linguistics TSL 664 Language & Culture
TSL 665/667 Teaching English Learners Elementary and Secondary Practicum
EDU 150 Psychological Development for Children & Adolescents for Educators
EDU 348 Language Development for Educators
EDU 678 Master Educator Experience – I
EDU 679 Master Educator Experience – II

Dr. Mindi Richardson
Director of Clinical Experiences and Certification
Dr. Mindi Richardson
Director of Clinical Experiences and Certification
Office: Murphy Hall 111N
Office Phone: (816) 271-5951
Email: mrichardson5@missouriwestern.edu
Courses Taught:
EDU 203 Participation in Teaching I
EDU 377 School Experience in Teaching
EDU 408 Elementary Student Teaching III
EDU 409 Secondary Student Teaching III
EDU 426 Experience Teaching Cross-Categorical Disabilities
EDU 427 Cross-Categorical Disabilities Student Teaching
EDU 462 Early Childhood Student Teaching III
EDU 562 Participation in Teaching – Secondary Education
EDU 603 Internship in Teaching Secondary Education
EDU 607 Professional Student Teaching Secondary Education
EDU 608 Student Teaching Secondary Education

Teri Holt
Administrative Assistant
Teri Holt
Administrative Assistant
Office: Murphy Hall 111A
Office Phone: (816) 271-4332
Email: tholt4@missouriwestern.edu

Dr. Benedict Adams
Associate Professor
Dr. Benedict Adams
Associate Professor
Ph.D., Urban Education Studies and Teacher Education, Indiana University
M.S., Education, Indiana University
B.A., Education, Suffield University
Office: Murphy Hall 111 K
Office Phone: (816) 271-4304
Email: badams16@missouriwestern.edu
Courses Taught:
EDU 202 Introduction to Education
EDU 308 Multicultural Education
EDU 376 Applied Teaching Methods and Management
EDU 430/521 Teaching Students with Reading Deficits
EDU 661 Multidisciplinary Approaches in Differentiated Instruction
EDU 678 Master Educator Experience – I
EDU 679 Master Educator Experience – II

Dr. Ollie Bogdon
Associate Professor
Dr. Ollie Bogdon
Associate Professor
Ph.D., Interdisciplinary Studies: Education and Public Affairs & Administration, University of Missouri Kansas City
M.S., Education, Cornell University
B.S., Agriculture and Life Sciences, Cornell University
Office: Murphy Hall 111J
Office Phone: (816) 271-4302
Email: obogdon@missouriwestern.edu
Courses Taught:
EDU 150 Psychological Development for Children & Adolescents for Educators
EDU 202 Introduction to Education
EDU 230 Science Content for Elementary Teachers
EDU 330 Science Methods for Elementary Teachers
EDU 331 Instructional Media and Technology
EDU 662 Teacher Leadership in Differentiated Instruction
EDU 678 Master Education Experience I
EDU 679 Master Education Experience II
HON 195 Honors Colloquium

Ronda Chesney
Advanced Instructor
Ronda Chesney
Advanced Instructor
Professional Certifications & Teaching Endorsements: Early Childhood Special Education
M.S., Education, Baker University-Baldwin, Kansas
B.A., Education – Emphasis in Early Childhood, Missouri Western State University-St. Joseph, Missouri
Office: Murphy Hall 111R
Office Phone: (816) 271-4449
Email: rchesney1@missouriwestern.edu
Courses Taught:
EDU 300 – Intro to Early Childhood Education
EDU 313 Family, Community, and Schools: Partnering for Young Children
EDU 332 – Integrating the Arts in Classrooms – developed and taught
EDU 334 – Play Based Instruction – developed and taught
EDU 374 – Early Childhood Literacy
EDU 376 Applied Teaching Methods and Management
EDU 400 – Seminar in Early Childhood Education
EDU 403 – Elementary Education and Human Relations

Alesia Hamilton
Alesia Hamilton
M.Ed., Baker University
Reading Recovery Certificate, University of Illinois
Early Childhood (prek-3) Certificate, Hannibal-LaGrange College
B.S., Elementary, Hannibal-LaGrange College
Office: Murphy Hall 111J
Office Phone: (816) 271-4302
Email: ahamilton11@missouriwestern.edu
Courses Taught:
EDU 313 Family, Community, and School: Partnering for Young Children
EDU 351 Mathematics Methods for Early Childhood & Elementary Educators
EDU 360 Assessing and Individualizing Reading
EDU 375 Teaching Reading in Elementary School

Dr. Haruka Konishi
Associate Professor
Dr. Haruka Konishi
Associate Professor
Ph.D., Education, Specialization in Learning Sciences, University of Delaware
B.A., Psychological Studies, Temple University Japan
Office: Murphy Hall 111Q
Office Phone: (816) 271-4365
Email: hkonishi@missouriwestern.edu
Courses Taught:
EDU 150 Psychological Development for Children & Adolescents for Educators
EDU 314 Issues & Trends in the Education of Young Children and the Management of Programs for Young Children
EDU 316 Organizing, Developing, and Managing Environments for Young Children
EDU 332 Teaching in the Integrated Areas
EDU 344 Early Childhood Assessment
EDU 333 Science and Mathematics for Young Children
EDU 678 Master Education Experience I
EDU 679 Master Education Experience II

Dr. Jennifer Malone
Assistant Professor
Dr. Jennifer Malone
Assistant Professor
M.S.E. Special Education K-12 University of Missouri Kansas City
Ed.D. St. Louis University
Office: Murphy Hall 111 I
Office Phone: (816) 271-5629
Email: jmalone3@missouriwestern.edu
Courses Taught:
EDU 315 Psychology and Education of the Exceptional Child
EDU 411 Methods of Teaching the Student with Cross-Categorical Disabilities
EDU 474/574 Collaborating with Families and School Personnel for Inclusion
EDU 472/572 Assistive Technology and Augmentative Communication in Inclusive Settings
EDU 515 Fundamentals and Strategies for Teaching Learners with Exceptionalities
EDU 561 Induction to the Teaching Profession
EDU 675 Assessment and the Identification Process
EDU 667 Teaching Critical Thinking through Technology, Collaboration and Differentiated Instruction
EDU 678 Master Education Experience I
EDU 679 Master Education Experience II

Dr. Daniel Shepherd
Dr. Daniel Shepherd
Ed.D., Ed. S., Ball State University
M.Ed., Indiana Wesleyan University
B.A., English Education, Cedarville University
Office: Murphy 111L
Office Phone: (816) 271-4366
Email: dshepherd@missouriwestern.edu
Courses Taught:
EDU 225 Educational Psychology
EDU 250 Assessment and Data Analysis for Teachers
EDU 340 Elementary Social Studies Methods
EDU 370 Behavior Management
EDU 565 Instructional Methods for Secondary Learners
EDU 662 Teacher Leadership for Differentiated Instruction

Dr. Kipton Smilie
Dr. Kipton Smilie
Ph.D., History, Philosophical and Social Foundations of Education, University of Kansas
M.A., English, University of Kansas
B.S., Education, Pittsburg State University
Office: Murphy Hall 111P
Office Phone: (816) 271-5952
Email: ksmilie@missouriwestern.edu
Courses Taught:
EDU 202 Introduction to Education
EDU 311 Secondary Reading Techniques
EDU 365 Methods for K-12 Learner
EDU 376 Applied Teaching Methods and Management
EDU 404 Seminar in Secondary Education and Human Relations
EDU 511 Content Area Literacy
EDU 521 Teaching Students with Reading Deficits
EDU 604 Seminar for Student Teaching Professionals
EDU 611 Research Development and Literature Analysis
EDU 678 Master Educator Experience – I
EDU 679 Master Educator Experience – II

Dr. Elizabeth Thorne-Wallington
Associate Professor
Dr. Elizabeth Thorne-Wallington
Associate Professor
Ph.D., Education, Washington University-St. Louis
M.P.A., Public Policy, University of Georgia
B.A., Political Science, University of Missouri-Columbia
Office: Murphy Hall 111F
Office Phone: (816) 271-5977
Email: ethorne@missouriwestern.edu
Courses Taught:
EDU 110 Education Orientation Workshop
EDU 325 Introduction to Reading and Language Arts Methods
EDU 328 Children’s Literature
EDU 678 Master Educator Experience – I
EDU 679 Master Educator Experience – II
EDU 483/583 Practicum in Elementary Reading
EDU 484/584 Practicum in Secondary Reading
EDU 500 Education Orientation Workshop
TSL 468/560 Methods of Teaching ELLs
TSL 664 Language & Culture