Institutional Standing Committees
Utilizing the resources of the Missouri Western State University community is essential to promoting and maintaining shared governance. The participation of employees, students and community members in decision-making processes at the University enriches Missouri Western’s campus culture and promotes long-term sustainability and prosperity.
Institutional standing committees address matters that directly impact all divisions/departments within the University and ultimately report to the President. Dependent upon their purpose and scope, some institutional standing committees are chaired by individuals who hold specific positions at the University, while others are chaired by vice presidents. A vice president listed as an institutional standing committee chair may serve in that capacity or may appoint a designee to serve in his/her role.
Individual membership on a given institutional standing committee may vary due to the nature of that committee. However, those serving represent multiple units across campus which include faculty, staff, administration, and/or students. Faculty Senate, Staff Association, and Student Government Association each provide member recommendations from their respective group to the committee chair; otherwise the associated Vice President solicits membership recommendations from the leadership of each represented unit. In both cases, the set of individual membership recommendations is to be completed by the end of week 12 of the spring semester of each academic year. Committee membership for each institutional standing committee is finalized over the following summer; institutional standing committee appointments are announced during the next academic year’s Plan Week.
The purpose of this committee is to develop a proposed academic calendar in advance of two years, which is then forwarded each October as a recommendation to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs for approval by the President and adoption by the University.
The structure of the committee consists of, at minimum, a representative from Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, Enrollment Management/Admissions, Faculty Senate, Staff Association, Student Government Association, Athletics, and the Student Governor from the MWSU Board of Governors. The committee is chaired by the Registrar. Individual representatives are recommended by the chair to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs and confirmed by the President. This committee meets monthly or as determined by the committee chairperson.
Associated VP – Dr. Joel Hyer
Chair – Ms. Susan Bracciano
Academic Affairs – Dr. Joel Hyer
Student Affairs – Dr. Joshua Clary
Enrollment Management – Ms. Jamie Sweiger
Faculty Senate – Mr. Steven Lorimor
Staff Association – Mr. Derek Evans
Staff Association – Ms. Jean Foster
SGA – Mr. Israel Lovins
Athletics – Ms. Ashli Wicker
MWSU BoG Student Governor – Mr. Garrett Jackson
The purpose of this committee is to affirm and extend the University’s commitment to equal opportunity and accessibility for the entire campus community.
The structure of the committee consists of, at minimum, a representative from Human Resources, Title IX, Accessibility Resource Center, Academic Affairs, and Student Affairs and Enrollment Management. University General Counsel serves in an ex officio role. The committee is chaired by the Dean of Students. Individual representatives are recommended by the chair to the Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management and confirmed by the President. This committee meets monthly or as determined by the committee chairperson.
Associated VP – Ms. Kelli Douglas
Chair – TBD
Student Affairs/Enrollment Management – Ms. Leslie Stone
Human Resources – Ms. Audrey Cravett
Title IX – Mr. Adam McGowan
ARC – Ms. Naomi Danso
Academic Affairs – Dr. Kaye Adkins
This committee is responsible for reviewing potential compensation plans and developing a set of recommendations regarding compensation (i.e., benefits and salary) for University employees.
The structure of the committee consists of, at minimum, a representative from Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, Enrollment Management/Admissions, Faculty Senate, Staff Association, Faculty (1 per collage), as well as the University General Counsel and HR Director. This committee is chaired by the Vice President for Finance and Administration. Individual representatives are recommended by the chair and confirmed by the President. This committee meets monthly or as determined by the committee chairperson.
Associated VP – Mr. Daniel Holt
Chair – Mr. Daniel Holt
Student Affairs – Ms. Leslie Stone
Enrollment Management/Admissions – Ms. Emma Crabb
Faculty Senate – TBD
Staff Association – Ms. Emily Ludwig
Staff Association – Ms. Noël Cross
Athletics – Ms. Madeline Simmons
HR Director – Ms. Sara Freemyer
General Counsel – Ms. Kelli Douglas
Academic Affairs – TBD
Faculty – CBPS – TBD
Faculty – CLA – TBD
Faculty – CSH – TBD
The purpose of this committee is to foster an environment of continuous improvement in student learning through the use of active, ongoing, and constructive unit assessment.
The structure of the committee consists of, at minimum, a representative from Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, Enrollment Management/Admissions, Faculty Senate, and Staff Association. The committee chair is appointed by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. Individual representatives are recommended by the chair to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs and confirmed by the President. This committee meets monthly or as determined by the committee chairperson.
Associated VP – Dr. Joel Hyer
Chair – Dr. Beth Briggs
Academic Affairs – Dr. Tilo Roy
Student Affairs – Dr. Joshua Clary
Enrollment Management/Admissions – Mr. Gavin Brown
Faculty Senate – Dr. Csengele Barta
Staff Association – Mr. John Vanderpool
Staff Association – Ms. Regina Young
Athletics – Ms. Madeline Simmons
Finance & Administration – Ms. Kim Sherwood
The purpose of this committee is to monitor, review, and make recommendations regarding the University’s planning, policies, strategies and practices related to information technology and related infrastructure.
The structure of the committee consists of, at minimum, a representative from Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, Enrollment Management/Admissions, Faculty Senate, Staff Association, Faculty (1 per college), and Athletics. This committee is chaired by the Chief Information Officer (CIO). Individual membership is recommended by the chair to the Vice President for Finance and Administration and confirmed by the President. This committee meets monthly or as determined by the committee chairperson.
Associated VP – Mr. Daniel Holt
Chair – Mr. Jeremy Hunter
Student Affairs – Dr. Joshua Clary
Enrollment Management/Admissions – Ms. Jamie Sweiger
Faculty Senate – TBD
Finance & Administration – Mr. Payton Flint
Staff Association – Ms. Monica Phillips
Staff Association – Ms. Samantha Fowler
Academic Affairs – Ms. Susan Bracciano
SGA – Mr. Israel Lovins
Athletics – Mr. Ryan Menley
Faculty – CBPS – TBD
Faculty – CLA – TBD
Faculty – CSH – TBD
The purpose of this committee is to monitor, review, and make recommendations pertaining to health and safety policy and procedures, discuss health and safety related topics, and recommend actions to resolve health and safety concerns.
The structure of the committee consists of, at minimum, a representative from Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, Enrollment Management/Admissions, Faculty Senate, Staff Association, and Student Government Association. The committee is chaired by the Director of Risk Management, Environmental, and Institutional Safety. Individual membership is recommended by the chair to the Vice President for Finance and Administration and confirmed by the President. This committee meets monthly or as determined by the committee chairperson.
VP – Mr. Daniel Holt
Chair – Mr. Mike Crutchfield
Student Affairs – Ms. Katie Miron
Enrollment Management/Admissions – Ms. Amanda Kimler
Faculty Senate – Ms. Mackenzie Evans
Finance & Administration – Mr. Brian Harrah
Staff Association – Ms. Trenny Wilson
Staff Association – Ms. Kasey Schmoe
Academic Affairs – Dr. Michael Birmingham
SGA – Ms. Sara Yarbrough
Athletics – Ms. Theresa Grosbach
The purpose of this committee is to monitor, review, and make recommendations related to overall campus planning and the use and assignment of University space, physical facilities and equipment.
The structure of the committee consists of, at minimum, a representative from Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, Enrollment Management/Admissions, Faculty Senate, Staff Association, and Student Government Association. This committee is chaired by the Assistant Vice President for Facilities/Physical Plant. Individual membership is recommended by the chair to the Vice President for Finance and Administration and confirmed by the President. This committee meets monthly or as determined by the committee chairperson.
Associated VP – Mr.Daniel Holt
Chair – Mr. Bryan Adkins
Academic Affairs – Ms. Jennifer Callow
Student Affairs – Mr. John Vanderpool
Enrollment Management/Admissions – Ms. Katie Jenkins
Faculty Senate – Dr. Sathia Veeramoothoo
Finance & Administration – Mr. Bryan Adkins
Advancement/Foundation – Ms. Jenny Sherlock
Staff Association – Mr. Jeremy Acton
Staff Association – Ms. Roberta Dias
SGA – Mr. Israel Lovins
Athletics – Mr. Mike Halloran