Our Mission

The Missouri Western State University Nursing Department is committed to the development of students as individuals and leaders striving for excellence in inter-professional practice and the promotion of healthy communities.

Our Philosophy

As an integral part of Missouri Western State University, the Nursing Department supports the mission, goals, and policies of the University and the College of Science and Health. To master the discipline of nursing and the increasingly complex knowledge, skills and attitudes required to deliver safe, quality care, a broad-based baccalaureate education including theoretical and applied learning are essential for generalist nursing education. Graduate education develops nurses for advanced nursing practice roles. Recognizing the complexity of organizations, financing and delivery of health care, the faculty are committed to supporting ongoing program/curricular evaluation and adaptation to meet the demands of the evolving health care system.

The faculty believe that professional nursing practice is based upon the integration of the concepts related to person, health, environment, and nursing. Systems thinking guides the integration of these concepts with the clinical judgment model to promote holistic nursing care.

In addition, the faculty holds the following beliefs related to baccalaureate education of student nurses:

Nursing Photo

The faculty are committed to creating and sustaining reciprocal partnerships with a variety of clinical practice settings wherein mutually beneficial relationships support both student clinical learning experiences and benefit the delivery setting.

Learning is a life-long process of developing individual potential through a spirit of inquiry and self-motivation. Learning involves cognitive, affective, and psychomotor components and development of critical and creative thinking. The learner is accountable for their learning and is expected to demonstrate responsibility for independence and self-direction, building upon prior learning.

Faculty have accountability for facilitating student learning by developing, implementing, and evaluating quality learning experiences based on current research and practice. Faculty hold students accountable for prior learning.