Banking Relationship Disclosures

See Banking Relationship Disclosures at

No action will be taken by financial aid staff that is for their personal benefit or could be perceived to be a conflict of interest.

  • Employees within the financial aid office will not award aid to themselves or their immediate family members. Staff will reserve this task to an institutionally designated person, to avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest.
  • If a preferred lender list is provided, it will be compiled without prejudice and for the sole benefit of the students attending the institution. The information included about lenders and loan terms will be transparent, complete, and accurate. The complete process through which preferred lenders are selected will be fully and publicly disclosed. Borrowers will not be auto-assigned to any particular lender.
  • A borrower’s choice of a lender will not be denied, impeded, or unnecessarily delayed by the institution, even if that lender is not included on the institution’s preferred lender list.
  • No amount of cash, gift, or benefit in excess of a de minimis amount shall be accepted by a financial aid staff member from any financial aid applicant (or his/her family), or from any entity doing business with or seeking to do business with the institution (including service on advisory committees or boards beyond reimbursement for reasonable expenses directly associated with such service).

Information provided by the financial aid office is accurate, unbiased, and does not reflect preference arising from actual or potential personal gain.

Institutional financial aid offers and/or other institutionally provided materials shall include the following:

  • Breakdown of estimated individual Cost of Attendance components, including which are direct (billed by the institution) costs vs.indirect (not billed by the institution) costs (Goldlink).
  • Clear identification and proper grouping of each type of aid offered indicating whether the aid is a grant/scholarship, loan, or work program (Goldlink).
  • Estimated net price (
  • Renewal requirements for each aid type being offered as well as next steps and financial aid office contact information (

All required consumer information is displayed in a prominent location on the institutional web site(s) and in any printed materials, easily identified and found, and labeled as “Consumer Information.”

Financial aid professionals will disclose to their institution any involvement, interest in, or potential conflict of interest with any entity with which the institution has a business relationship.

To ensure that the University’s students and their families continue to receive impartial and sound advice from the University’s financial aid personnel and to promote the confidence of students and their families in the advice and services that they receive, the University shall abide by the following rule concerning relationships with student loan Lending Institutions.

  1. Prohibition of Certain Remuneration to University Personnel
    1. No University official, employee, or agent shall accept anything of more than nominal value on his or her own behalf or on behalf of another from or on behalf of a Lending Institution, except that this provision shall not be construed to prohibit any University official, employee, or agent from conducting (a) non-University business with any Lending Institution; or (b) University business unrelated to education loans. As used in the preceding sentence and throughout this rule, a Lending Institution is defined as:
      1. Any entity that itself or through an affiliate engages in the business of making loans to students, parents or others for purposes of financing higher education expenses or that securitizes such loans; or
      2. Any entity, or association of entities, that guarantees education loans, other than the Missouri Department of Higher Education; or
      3. Any industry, trade or professional association that, to the best of University’s knowledge after reasonable inquiry, receives money from any entity described above in subdivisions a. and b., unless:
        (1) Such money received by the association is in the form of membership dues or some comparable type of payment
        (2) Such money is fixed for all members of the association; and
        (3) Such association’s membership is comprised by at least 51% of entities and individuals who do not originate, service, or guarantee student loans;
      4. The term Lending Institution shall not include a not-for-profit entity that does not originate loans and that provides a network for accessing and exchanging data involved in the processing of loans that is open on equal terms to lenders that wish to participate in the network.
    2. Nothing in this provision or throughout this rule shall prevent the University from holding membership in any nonprofit professional association.
    3. The prohibition set forth in the previous subsections shall include, but not be limited to, a ban on any payment or reimbursement by a Lending Institution to a University employee for lodging, meals, or travel to conferences or training seminars unless such payment or reimbursement is related solely to non-University business or University business unrelated to education loans.
  2. Limitations on University Personnel Participating on Lender Advisory Board— No University official, employee, or agent shall receive any remuneration for serving as a member or participant of an advisory board of a Lending Institution, or receive any reimbursement of expenses for so serving, provided, however, that participation on advisory boards that are unrelated in any way to higher education loans shall not be prohibited by this rule.
  3. Prohibition of Certain Remuneration to the University— The University will not accept on its own behalf anything of value from any Lending Institution in exchange for any advantage or consideration provided to the Lending Institution related to its education loan activity. This prohibition shall include, but not be limited to, (i) “revenue sharing” by a Lending Institution with the University, (ii) the University’s receipt from any Lending Institution of any computer hardware for which the School pays below-market prices and (iii) printing costs or services. Notwithstanding anything else in this subdivision, the University may accept assistance as contemplated in 34 CFR 682.200(b)(definition of “Lender”)(5)(i), or any successor provision.  “Revenue sharing” refers to an arrangement whereby a Lending Institution pays a school a percentage of each loan directed to the Lending Institution from a borrower at the University.
  4. Preferred Lender Lists– In the event that the University or any of its campuses promulgates a list of preferred or recommended lenders or similar ranking or designation (“Preferred Lender List”), then
    1. Every brochure, web page or other document that sets forth a Preferred Lender List must clearly disclose the process by which the lenders on said Preferred Lender List were selected, including but not limited to the criteria used in compiling said list and the relative importance of those criteria; and
    2. Every brochure, web page or other document that sets forth a Preferred Lender List or identifies any lender as being on said Preferred lender List shall state in the same font and same manner as the predominant text on the document that students and their parents have the right and ability to select the education loan provider of their choice, are not required to use any of the lenders on said Preferred Lender List, and will suffer no penalty for choosing a lender that is not on said Preferred Lender List.
    3. The decision to include a Lending Institution on any such list and the decision as to where on the list the Lending Institution’s name appears shall be determined solely by consideration of the best interests of the students or parents who may use said list without regard to the pecuniary interests of the University;
    4. The constitution of any Preferred Lender List shall be reviewed no less than biennially;
    5. No Lending Institution shall be placed on any Preferred Lender List unless the said   lender i) provides assurance to the University and to student and parent borrowers who   take out loans from said Lending Institution that the advertised benefits upon repayment will continue to inure to the benefit of student and parent borrowers regardless of   whether the Lending Institution’s loan are sold, or ii) discloses to student and parent   borrowers that advertised benefits upon repayment may be lost in the event that the loan is sold and such disclosure is presented in a manner that is readily apparent to student and parent borrowers;
    6. No Lending Institution that, to the best of the University’s knowledge after reasonable inquiry, has an agreement to sell its loans to another unaffiliated Lending Institution shall be included on any Preferred Lender List unless such agreement is disclosed therein in the same font and same manner as the predominant text on the document in which the Preferred Lender List appears;
    7. No Lending Institution shall be placed on any Preferred Lender Lists or in favored placement on any Preferred Lender Lists for a particular type of loan, in exchange for benefits provided to the University or to the University’s students in connection with a different type of loan;
    8. Beginning July 1, 2008, no Lending Institution shall be placed on any Preferred Lender List unless said Lending Institution has adopted or agreed to abide by a lending code of conduct that contains principles similar to those established in this rule.
  5. Prohibition of Lending Institutions’ Staffing of Financial Aid Offices— The University may not allow and shall ensure that no employee or other agent of a Lending Institution is identified to students or prospective students or their parents as an employee or agent of the University in connection with educational loan activities.  No employee or other agent of a Lending Institution may staff a financial aid office at any time. The University prohibits consulting or other contracting arrangements with lenders.
  6. Proper Execution of Master Promissory Notes— The University shall not link or otherwise direct potential borrowers to any electronic Master Promissory Notes or other loan agreements that do not allow students to enter the lender code or name for any lender offering the relevant loan.
  7. School as Lender— If a campus participates in the “School as Lender” program under 20 U.S.C. § 1085(d)(1)(E), or any successor provision, School As Lender loans may not be treated any differently than if the loans originated directly from another lender; all sections of this rule apply equally to such School as Lender loans as if the loans were provided by another lender.
  8. Prohibition of Opportunity Loans
    1. As used herein, “override pools,” “opportunity funds,” and “opportunity loans” refer to any agreement, understanding or practice in which a lender applies more lenient loan underwriting criteria than it otherwise would to a certain class of loan applicants if the campus or University meets certain milestones or metrics with respect to other loans with that lender, such as the number of loans initiated or in force, or the dollar amount of such loans, or where the lender agrees with the University to lend money to students outside the Federal Family Education Loan Program (FFELP), at the direction of the University, in exchange for the University or a campus dropping out of the federal direct loan program and/or marketing the lender’s separate FFELP loans to students.
    2. The University shall not arrange with a Lending Institution to participate in any override pools, opportunity funds, opportunity loans, as defined above, if the participation in such program(s) disadvantages any other borrower.

We, financial aid professionals, declare our commitment to the following Statement of Ethical Principles.

Financial aid administrators shall:

Advocate for students 

  • Remain aware of issues affecting students and continually advocate for their interests at the institutional, state and federal levels.
  • Support federal, state and institutional efforts to encourage students, as early as the elementary grades, to aspire to and plan for education beyond high school.

Manifest the highest level of integrity 

  • Commit to the highest level of ethical behavior and refrain from conflict of interest or the perception thereof.
  • Deal with others honestly and fairly, abiding by our commitments and always acting in a manner that merits the trust and confidence others have placed in us.
  • Protect the privacy of individual student financial records.
  • Promote the free expression of ideas and opinions, and foster respect for diverse viewpoints within the profession.

Support student access and success 

  • Commit to removing financial barriers for those who want to pursue postsecondary learning and support each student admitted to our institution.
  • Without charge, assist students in applying for financial aid funds.
  • Provide services and apply principles that do not discriminate on the basis of race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, disability, age, or economic status.
  • Understand the need for financial education and commit to educate students and families on how to responsibly manage expenses and debt.

Comply with federal and state laws 

  • Adhere to all applicable laws and regulations governing federal, state, and institutional financial aid programs.
  • Actively participate in ongoing professional development and continuing education programs to ensure ample understanding of statutes, regulations, and best practices governing the financial aid programs.
  • Encourage colleagues to participate in the financial aid professional associations available to them at the state, regional, or national level and offer assistance to other aid professionals as needed.

Strive for transparency and clarity  

  • Provide our students and parents with the information they need to make good decisions about attending and paying for college.
  • Educate students and families through quality information that is consumer-tested when possible. This includes (but is not limited to) transparency and full disclosure on award notices.
  • Ensure equity by applying all need-analysis formulas consistently across the institution’s full population of student financial aid applicants.
  • Inform institutions, students, and parents of any changes in financial aid programs that could affect their student aid eligibility.
  • Strive to ensure that cost of attendance components are developed using resources that represent realistic expenses.

Protect the privacy of financial aid applicants 

  • Ensure that student and parent private information provided to the financial aid office by financial aid applicants is protected in accordance with all state and federal statutes and regulations, including FERPA and the Higher Education Act, Section 483(a)(3)(E) (20 U.S.C. 1090).
  • Protect the information on the FAFSA from inappropriate use by ensuring that this information is only used for the application, award, and administration of aid awarded under Title IV of the Higher Education Act, state aid, or aid awarded by eligible institutions.

Communication to Students

Incoming students will be issued a Missouri Western email and Goldlink account upon acceptance to the University. Students are encouraged to activate these accounts as soon as possible after receiving access instructions.

The Office of Financial Aid communicates with enrolled and prospective students using the student’s Missouri Western email and Goldlink accounts. As a general rule, financial aid notices will not be sent by postal mail. Students are responsible for monitoring their status online through Goldlink and for ALL communications sent to their Missouri Western email account. Students who do not elect to receive electronic communication from Missouri Western should contact the Office of Financial Aid for additional information.

Examples of communications sent from the Office of Financial Aid include:

  • Application Procedures and Deadlines
  • Outstanding Application Requirements
  • Award Information
  • Student Loan Certification Information
  • Financial Aid Eligibility Status
  • Need Based Aid Adjustment Information

Consumer Information

See Consumer Information Disclosures at

Dependency Override Appeal

Federal Financial Aid regulations indicate that an individual who does not automatically qualify as an independent student for FAFSA purposes may be reclassified as independent if a financial aid administrator makes a documented determination of independence by reason of unusual circumstances. This determination is commonly referred to as a Dependency Override.

The U.S. Department of Education (DOE) has provided guidance to assist financial aid administrators in making consistent and reasonable Dependency Override decisions.

In accordance with DOE guidance, Missouri Western State University adheres to the policy that a dependency override cannot be approved for an otherwise dependent FAFSA applicant if one, or more, following conditions is the ONLY circumstance cited by the applicant:

  • the student simply states that he/she is financially self-sufficient or does not live with parent(s);
  • the parent is not willing to contribute financially toward the student’s educational and living expenses, or simply elects not to assist the student financially;
  • the parent isn’t willing to provide the information required on the FAFSA or to assist in completing the verification process; or
  • the student is not claimed by a parent as a federal income tax exemption.

A Dependency Override generally may be considered for an otherwise dependent FAFSA applicant if one or more of the following conditions are cited by the applicant in his/her written appeal and supported by additional documentation:

  • an abusive (emotionally or physically), unhealthy, or unsafe family environment;
  • abandonment of the student by the parent(s);
  • incarceration of the custodial parent(s);
  • victims of human trafficking;
  • removal or relocation of the student from the parent(s)’ residence by court order;
  • Lack of fixed, regular, and adequate housing; and/or
  • other unusual or extraordinary circumstances, events, or incidents, particularly those related to any of the conditions for independency.

Dependency Override Appeal

The student’s appeal should provide convincing justification that he/she is truly independent based on at least one of the above conditions.

The Dependency Override Appeal (available in Goldlink) should include an explanation of the following:

  • the student’s current circumstances and reason for appeal;
  • the student’s current living arrangements, particularly how often (summers, weekends, etc.) the student resides with parent(s);
  • the student’s personal relationship with parent(s) – how often the student visits parent(s), has contact with parent(s), etc.;
  • what kind and amount of financial support the parent(s) provide to the student (money, food and housing, payment of bills, purchase of a vehicle, insurance payments, medical insurance, etc.); and
  • what kind and amount of financial support is received from other family members, friends, or relatives.

In addition, the student should provide:

  • letters of support from at least two other adults (only one of which may be a family member or relative) who are familiar with the situation and can confirm the validity of the appeal. Examples of such individuals include, but are not limited to, a high school guidance counselor, religious leader, family services officer, guardian, court representative, social worker, etc.

Additional Information

Dependency Override determinations are always made by the Missouri Western State University Office of Financial Aid on an individual, case-by-case basis.

Disbursement of Financial Aid

Financial aid funds will be released to student accounts in two equal disbursements and will first be applied to outstanding charges for tuition, fees, room, board and other eligible University expenses. Remaining funds will be issued to the student. By Federal regulation, excess funds MUST be used for educational expenses.

Students graduating in December should be aware that loan funds must be issued in two disbursements – the first during the third week of class and the second at the midpoint of the semester.

NOTE: If a student’s aid package includes PLUS loan funds, credit balance checks will be made payable to the student or parent and will be mailed to the parent’s home address.

The Financial Aid Office will disburse funds each Friday beginning the 2nd Friday of each semester*. Students who are eligible for credit balance refunds are encouraged to sign up for direct deposit on Goldlink. This is the preferred method for refunds.

  • Students who elect to receive credit balance refunds by direct deposit, should allow five (5) additional business days for the transfer of funds to a personal bank account.
  • Students who do not elect direct deposit, should allow ten (10) additional business days for the check to be mailed to the student’s permanent address of record.

*Federal regulations prohibit the disbursement of Federal Stafford Loan proceeds to first-time, freshman borrowers until 30 days after classes begin. Students should be prepared to cover expenses, such as books, until loan funds are released to the school.

Disclosure of Banking Relationships

Universities that disburse Title IV credit balance refunds and have a relationship with a bank that offers accounts directly to students are required to post their contracts for viewing by consumers. More information.

 Disbursement Financial Aid Business Office Refund
Fall 2024
1st Disbursement 09-06-2024 09-13-2024
2nd Disbursement NA NA
1st Time Freshman Borrower 30 Day Delay NA NA
Federal Work-Study (Employed Students) Monthly on the 10th NA
Spring 2025
1st Disbursement 01-31-2025 02-07-2025
2nd Disbursement NA NA
1st Time Freshman Borrower 30 Day Delay NA NA
Federal Work-Study (Employed Students) Monthly on the 10th NA

Missouri Western Financial Aid Administrators will follow a policy of nondiscrimination in regard to age, race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, pregnancy or parental status, national origin, veteran status, genetic information, disability, and all other legally protected classes.

Financial Aid Advance to Purchase Books and Supplies

If a student is scheduled to receive more financial assistance than his or her current charges, Missouri Western will notify the campus bookstore of the student’s eligibility to apply up to $750 of pending financial assistance to purchase required books and supplies. The bookstore is located in the Blum Student Union.

Eligible students will receive an email notification and instructions 10 days prior to the first day of classes each semester. Students who do not elect to receive electronic communication from Missouri Western should contact the Financial Aid Office for additional information.

Students who purchase books and supplies through this program must authorize the campus bookstore to submit the actual value of his or her purchases to Missouri Western State University to be deducted from pending financial aid, regardless of its source. Only the amount of actual purchases will be deducted from the student’s pending financial aid. Any additional funds will be issued to the student in the form of a credit balance refund.

Should the student’s financial aid be reduced for any reason the student’s account must be paid within thirty (30) days. Students who default on their account, will be responsible for all attorneys’ fees, other costs and charges necessary for the collection of the unpaid balance.

If a student needs to return books or supplies purchased through this program, the items must be returned to the campus bookstore. The bookstore will forward the return amount to Missouri Western State University and the student’s account will be credited. All refunds will be issued within two weeks.

Only textbooks and school supplies may be purchased. Clothing, emblematic gifts and convenience items may not be purchased.

To participate in the program, students must present a valid Missouri Western student ID card at the time of purchase. Student may elect to opt out simply by not presenting his or her ID at the campus bookstore.

Financial Aid Awards

Students may view and accept offered awards on Goldlink. Regulations require students to report any external sources of monetary assistance that are not reflected on the award notification.

Financial aid awards are based the student’s demonstrated financial need, enrollment status, achievement, and other criteria. It is the student’s responsibility to notify the Financial Aid Office when there is a change in enrollment status, or if there is a change in family, or financial situation that may affect eligibility to receive financial assistance.

Financial aid awards may be reduced or cancelled if aid received from ALL sources causes the student to exceed unmet need or cost of attendance or if the student does not meet eligibility criteria. Adjustments made to financial aid awards or in a student’s eligibility to receive financial assistance will be posted on Goldlink.

Financial Aid File Review (Verification)

The federal Central Processing System (CPS) selects a percentage of all FAFSA filers for the verification review process. Missouri Western may also select additional filers for review to ensure accuracy and consistency.

During the review, the Financial Aid Office will verify all mandatory items identified by the U.S. Department of Education . In addition, the Financial Aid Office may verify discretionary items.

Notification of Selection

Students who are selected for a verification review, by either the CPS or by Missouri Western, will be notified via their Missouri Western email account and will see all required documents listed on Goldlink. Students who do not elect to receive electronic communication from Missouri Western should contact the Office of Financial Aid for additional information.

Documentation Required to Complete Verification

The Financial Aid Office must collect all required documents and resolve any conflicting information before awarding aid.

Required Documents for Dependent Students

  • A copy of the most recent federal tax return for both the student and parent(s) including the step-parent (if applicable).
  • A complete Verification Worksheet.
  • Copies of all W-2 forms for the tax year if the student and/or parent:
    • did not and were not required to file a tax return, or
    • elect to submit a paper Tax Return rather than using the Data Retrieval Tool within the FAFSA application.

Additional documents and forms may be required depending upon the individual student, spouse or parent information provided.

Required Documents for Independent Students

  • A copy of the most recent federal tax return for the student and spouse (if applicable).
  • A complete Verification Worksheet.
  • Copies of all W-2 forms for the tax year if the student and/or spouse:
    • did not and were not required to file a tax return, or
    • elect to submit a paper Tax Return rather than using the Data Retrieval Tool within the FAFSA application.

Additional documents and forms may be required depending upon the individual student, spouse or parent information provided.

Applicants whose FAFSA information requires correction will have those corrections electronically processed by the Financial Aid Office. The corrections will generate an updated Student Aid Report (SAR) which will be sent to the student by the federal Central Processing System (CPS). The student’s aid eligibility may change based on corrections made.

Conflicting Information

If conflicting information is discovered after aid is awarded or disbursed, the Financial Aid Office must resolve the conflicting information and the student will be required to repay aid received in excess of his/her eligibility. All conflicts must be resolved regardless of whether the student was selected for verification.

Over-Payments of Aid
If it is determined that a student has received funds for which he or she is not eligible, the student must repay the amount to Missouri Western.


Missouri Western’s priority deadline for completion of the Verification process is February 1st each year. Completing the Verification process after this date, may result in you not being considered for Missouri Western competitive scholarships and other aid opportunities including Federal SEOG. You may also be required to make payments towards your account balance until your aid eligibility can be determined.

The final deadline to complete the Verification process will be established by the U.S. Department of Education and published in the Federal Register on an annual basis –

Financial Aid Statistical Information

Fiscal Year 2023

TOTAL AID RECEIVED (All Sources) HCT Dollars % of Students
All Aid Sources (Unduplicated HCT) 2886 $32,625,458 91.59%
Need-Based Aid (Unduplicated HCT) 1677 $11,229,698 53.22%
Total Enrollment (Degree Seeking Students) 3151
TOTAL SCHOL/GRANTS (All Sources) HCT Dollars % of Students
Total Scholarships/Grants (Unduplicated HCT) 2571 $17,935,699 81.59%
Average Scholarships/Grants Per Recipient $6,976
Total Scholarships (All Sources) $9,607,282
Total Grants (All Sources) $8,328,417
FEDERAL PELL GRANT HCT Dollars % of Students
Total Federal Pell Grants Received 1215 $5,543,010 38.56%
Average Pell Award Per Recipient $4,562
Total Students Eligible for Full Pell (0 EFC) /Avg Award 648 $5,362
Total FT Students (Full Year) Receiving Full Pell/Award 331 $6,895
OTHER FEDERAL GRANTS HCT Dollars % of Students
Total Other Federal Grants (Unduplicated HCT) 536 $731,670 17.01%
Federal SEOG 462 $296,240
Federal ACG 0 $0
Federal SMART Grant 0 $0
Federal Armed Forces/Veterans Benefits 69 $409,895
Federal TEACH 4 $7,074
Workforce Investment Act (WIA) 2 $11,885
Trade Readjustment Act (TRA) 0 $0
Federal Other 3 $6,577
STATE of MISSOURI SCH/GRANTS HCT Dollars % of Students
Total State Grants (Unduplicated HCT) 897 $2,163,790 28.47%
Access Missouri Grant Program 769 $1,691,513
College Guarantee Grant 0 $0
Charles Gallager Grant 0 $0
A+ Program 0 $0
Higher Ed Academic Sch (Bright Flight) 39 $83,000
Public Service Employee’s Survivor Grants 0 $0
Marguerite Ross Barnett Scholarship 0 $0
Missouri Teacher Education Scholarship 0 $0
Missouri Minority Teacher Education Scholarship 0 $0
Vietnam Veteran Survivor Grant 0 $0
Missouri Dual Credit Dual Enrollment Scholarship 22 $19,323
Missouri Fast Track Scholarship 2 $7,731
Gear Up 0 $0
Kids Chance 0 $0
Robert Byrd Scholarship 0 $0
Vocational Rehabilitation 95 $228,546
Other State Grants 27 $133,678
Total Undergraduate Scholarships (Unduplicated HCT) 1746 $7,797,461 55.41%
Need-Based Scholarships 142 $214,735
Merit Based Scholarships 1612 $4,881,429
Athletic Scholarships 371 $2,701,297
Other 0 $0
Total Graduate Scholarships (Unduplicated HCT) 60 $374,335 1.90%
Need-Based Scholarships 6 $7,142
Merit Based Scholarships 33 $82,049
Athletic Scholarships 27 $285,143
Other 0 $0
Total Private Scholarships / Grants (Unduplicated HCT) 494 $1,325,433 15.68%
TUITION WAIVERS HCT Dollars % of Students
Total Tuition Waivers (Unduplicated HCT) 629 $3,552,268 19.96%
Graduate Tuition and Fee Waivers 67 $331,678
Undergraduate Tuition and Fee Waivers 562 $3,220,590
Average Waiver Per Recipient $5,647
LOAN FUNDS HCT Dollars % of Students
Total Loan Funds (Unduplicated HCT) 1362 $10,460,057 43.22%
Federal Stafford Subsidized 927 $3,248,901
Federal Stafford Unsubsidized 1103 $5,114,787
Federal PLUS 131 $1,011,050
Federal Perkins 0 $0
Alternative Loan Programs 134 $1,085,319
Health Professional (HPSL) 0 $0
Nursing (NSL) 0 $0
Average Borrowed Per Recipient $7,680
STUDENT EMPLOYMENT HCT Dollars % of Students
Federal Work-Study 112 $201,104 3.55%
Institutional Employment (Need Based) 0 $0 0.00%
Institutional Employment (Non-Need Based) 170 $476,330 5.40%
Graduates 593
Borrowers 345
% Borrowed 58.18%
Average Borrowed $24,002.00

General Student Eligibility and Enrollment Requirements

To be eligible for financial assistance, students must:

  • be accepted for admission to Missouri Western and enroll as a degree-seeking student in an eligible program;
  • have earned a high school diploma or recognized equivalent (GED) or completed a home school program;
  • be a U.S. citizen or national, U.S. permanent resident, citizen of the freely Associated States or other eligible non-citizen;
  • have a valid Social Security Number;
  • be registered for Selective Service (if applicable);
  • not be in default on a Federal loan or owe an overpayment of Federal grant funds;

High school students taking dual credit coursework, visiting college students who are not seeking a degree from Missouri Western, and self-enrichment students will not be eligible to receive federal or state financial assistance.

Otherwise eligible undergraduate students who have already received a bachelor’s degree may only receive loan funds while pursuing an additional major or bachelor’s degree. This includes students in double major or dual degree programs who have already met the requirements for one major or degree.

General Enrollment Requirements

  • For financial aid purposes, a student’s enrollment status will be determined at the end of the official add/drop period each semester.
  • Only classes that count toward a degree or certificate may be used in calculating financial aid eligibility. Audited classes and most continuing education classes do not count toward a degree or certificate, and may not be used in calculating eligibility for financial aid.
  • Financial assistance may be prorated or cancelled if the student is enrolled in less than 12 credit hours at the end of the official add/drop period (see program specific requirements).
  • Only Missouri Western State University credit hours will be included when determining a student’s enrollment status for Missouri Western scholarships.
  • Students must enroll in a minimum of six (6) credit hours to be eligible for student loan funds (5 credit hours for graduate students).
  • Financial assistance will be recalculated for students who do not begin attendance, withdraw, are administratively withdrawn or who stop attending and receive a failing or incomplete grade in all courses during a term.

Students Enrolled at More Than One Institution

Students who are enrolled at more than one college or university at the same time may receive financial aid from only one of the institutions. Contact the Office of Financial Aid for more information.

Missouri Western Scholarship Guidelines

Equal Opportunity

The selection of scholarship recipients will follow a policy of nondiscrimination in regard to age, race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, pregnancy or parental status, national origin, veteran status, genetic information, disability, and all other legally protected classes.

General Requirements and Guidelines

  • To be eligible for scholarships, students must be seeking a degree from Missouri Western State University.
  • The deadline to apply for Missouri Western and Foundation competitive scholarships is February 1st each year.
  • Incoming students must be admitted to the University by July 1st to be eligible for non-competitive renewable scholarships.  Scholarships may be awarded after July 1st on a competitive basis if funding is available.
  • The University determines the number of scholarships awarded each year by scholarship category. All awards are contingent upon the availability of funds. When the number of qualified applicants exceeds the number of scholarships to be awarded, recipients will be selected on a competitive basis at the discretion of the University.
  • Application for non-renewable scholarships must be made annually to the University.

Enrollment Requirements and Guidelines

  • Unless noted otherwise in the scholarship description, institutional and foundation scholarships are awarded only to students who are enrolled in 12 or more credit hours per semester at Missouri Western excluding CED and audited courses (9 credit hours for graduate students).
  • Students enrolled at another institution through an authorized consortium agreement will be required to submit a letter of appeal to the Executive Scholarship Committee. If the Executive Scholarship Committee deems it appropriate to approve the appeal due to circumstances beyond the student’s control, the scholarship award will be prorated based upon the student’s enrollment at Missouri Western.
  • A student in his or her final year of study may be allowed to enroll on a part-time basis. Students seeking consideration must submit a letter of appeal to the Executive Scholarship Committee. If the Executive Scholarship Committee approves the appeal, the scholarship award will be prorated based upon the student’s enrollment.

Renewable Scholarship Requirements and Guidelines

  • Renewable scholarships awarded to incoming freshmen are valid for eight semesters provided all requirements are met each semester. Renewable scholarships awarded to transfer students are valid for six semesters (unless otherwise stated in the scholarship description).
  • Eligibility for renewable scholarships will be reviewed in May each year.
  • Scholarship GPA criterion is based on a 4.0 scale.
Scholarship Renewable GPA Semesters Eligible
Golden Griffon 3.50 8
Presidents Academic 3.25 8
Governors Academic 3.00 8
Deans Academic 3.00 8
Missouri Western A+ Scholarship 3.25 8
Griffon Scholars 3.50 6
Presidents Transfer 3.50 6
Phi Theta Kappa 3.5 6
Governors Transfer 3.30 6
Deans Transfer 3.00 6


Scholarship Total Value Limitations

Direct Cost Rule Limitation

The combined total of Missouri Western and Foundation scholarships may not exceed the recipient’s actual charges for tuition and related fees, course-related fees, admissions fees, campus housing and meal plan costs. No portion of Missouri Western and Foundation scholarship funds may be disbursed to the recipient in the form of cash or a ‘credit balance’ check. Scholarships specifically allocated for the payment of book costs will be exempt from this policy. A student with documentable circumstances beyond his or her control or personal choice will have the option to appeal this rule. Contact the Financial Aid Office for additional information.

Cost of Attendance Limitation

The total value of grant and scholarship aid from all sources may not exceed the student’s Cost of Attendance as determined by Federal Regulation.

Treatment of Scholarships When a Student Withdraws During the Semester

  • Missouri Western scholarships will be prorated or cancelled if a student completely withdraws and receives a refund in accordance with the University’s refund policy.

Federal regulations require institutions to establish reasonable standards to ensure that recipients of Title IV financial aid are maintaining satisfactory academic progress toward completion of a degree program. These standards must establish the maximum timeframe for degree completion and include minimum standards for rate of completion (pace) and cumulative GPA.

Satisfactory academic progress (SAP) will be evaluated at the end of each semester (including summer) based on each of the standards outlined below. Students who fail to meet satisfactory academic progress standards will lose eligibility for federal financial assistance the following semester. Federal financial assistance consists of the Federal Pell Grant, Federal Work-Study, Federal Direct Loans, Federal PLUS Loans, Federal SEOG, Federal Iraq Afghanistan Service Grant and Federal TEACH Grant.

SAP Standard Definition

Minimum Cumulative GPA

The calculation of cumulative GPA will include grades earned from all coursework, including transfer coursework that is accepted toward the student’s educational program as well as any remedial coursework. 

Students must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00 (3.00 if pursuing a master’s degree or graduate certificate) to remain eligible for federal financial assistance.

Students who lose financial aid eligibility based on GPA must receive grades sufficient to increase their cumulative GPA to the required 2.00 (3.00 if pursuing a master’s degree or graduate certificate). The student will be required to use their own financial resources to cover the cost of education until they are again meeting satisfactory academic progress standards.

Completion Rate (Pace)

The pace at which a student must progress through an educational program to ensure completion within the maximum timeframe. Pace is calculated by dividing the cumulative number of hours successfully completed by the cumulative number of hours attempted.

Students must successfully complete 67% of all courses attempted to remain eligible for federal financial assistance. Missouri Western uses standard rounding rules when calculating completion rate (eff. 04-30-2021).

Students who lose financial aid eligibility based on rate of completion must attend, and successfully complete, a sufficient number of credit hours to raise their completion rate (pace) to the required 67%. Students will be required to use their own financial resources to cover the cost of education until they are again meeting satisfactory academic progress standards.

Maximum Timeframe

The maximum timeframe allowed for completion of a degree program should not exceed 150% of the published length of the program measured in attempted hours. If it is determined that a student cannot complete their program of study within this timeframe, they will become ineligible for federal financial assistance.

    • A student seeking an associate’s degree must complete program requirements within 93 attempted hours.
    • A student seeking a baccalaureate degree must complete program requirements within 180 attempted hours.
    • A student seeking a master’s degree must complete program requirements within 52 attempted hours.
    • A student seeking a graduate level certificate must complete program requirements within 27 attempted hours (eff. 04-30-2021).

A student who has exceeded the maximum timeframe for degree completion is no longer eligible to receive federal financial assistance. The student will be required to use their own financial resources to cover the cost of education. 

Attempted and Completed Credit Hours

Attempted hours consist of any hours the student is enrolled in at the end of the official add/drop period including those hours that are earned, withdrawn from, audited, repeated, failed, taken as pass/fail or are incomplete. Hours for which the student did not receive financial aid and those waived under an academic amnesty policy must be included as attempted hours.

Successful completion is defined as the absence of failing or incomplete grades and voluntary/involuntary withdrawals.

Remedial coursework will count as both attempted and completed hours.

Transfer hours that are accepted toward the student’s educational program will count as both attempted and completed hours.

Warning Period

A current student who falls below satisfactory academic progress standards for the 1st time may be granted a one (1) semester warning period to improve his or her progress. The warning semester must occur during the student’s next period of enrollment – fall, spring or summer. During the warning period the student may continue to receive federal financial assistance.

Students who fail to meet satisfactory academic progress standards at the end of the warning period, will lose eligibility for federal financial aid the following semester.

Students who have exceeded the maximum timeframe for degree completion or have lost eligibility under the standards of a previous satisfactory academic progress policy will not be eligible for a warning period.

In addition, undergraduate transfer students who are not meeting Missouri Western’s Satisfactory Academic Progress standards should submit an appeal to the Satisfactory Academic Progress Committee.

Approaching the Maximum Timeframe

Federal regulations require Missouri Western to ensure that each recipient of Federal financial assistance is able to complete degree requirements within 150% of the published length of the program as measured in attempted hours. In compliance with this regulation, Missouri Western will conduct an evaluation of each student’s degree progress each semester as indicated below.

If it is determined that a student cannot complete program requirements within this timeframe, they will become ineligible for federal financial assistance.

Academic Program Program Review Maximum Timeframe
Associates Degree or Undeclared Program 60 to 92 Hours 93 Hours
Associates Degree and Bachelor’s Degree 93 to 179 Hours 180 Hours
Bachelor’s Degree 135 to 179 Hours 180 Hours
2nd Bachelor’s Degree 195 to 239 Hours 240 Hours
Graduate Certificate 21 to 26 Hours 27 Hours
Graduate Degree 40 to 51 Hours 52 Hours

Additional Degree Programs and Degree Completion

Students who are pursuing a second bachelor’s degree should be able to complete degree requirements within 200% of the published length of the program as measured by the student’s overall attempted hours.

Students who are pursuing an associate’s degree after earning a bachelor’s degree, an additional graduate degree or other program combinations will be evaluated on an individual basis through appeal.

A student who has completed all required coursework for his or her degree program but has not yet received the degree, may not receive further financial aid for that program.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal

A student may submit an appeal to the Satisfactory Academic Progress Committee if documentable extenuating circumstances caused the student to fall below satisfactory academic progress standards or exceed the maximum timeframe allowed for degree completion.

Examples of circumstances that may warrant an appeal include:

    • Lengthy hospitalization or illness;
    • Death of a parent, spouse or child at a critical time during the semester;
    • Lengthy illness of a child or spouse; or
    • Other mitigating circumstance.

Appeals should include the following documentation:

    • A completed Statement in Support of Appeal;
    • An explanation describing how extenuating circumstances resulted in the student’s inability to maintain satisfactory academic progress;
    • Sufficient documented evidence that the extenuating circumstance clearly caused the student to fall below the required standards or exceed the maximum timeframe; and
    • An explanation of what has changed that will allow the student to maintain satisfactory academic progress going forward.

Examples of documentation supporting the extenuating circumstance may include:

    • Medical documentation;
    • Notice of death;
    • Accident reports;
    • Court documentation; or
    • Other relevant documentation.

Appeal Process

The Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal form is available in Goldlink (locate the Financial Aid card, select Financial Aid Appeal Forms and then Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal). All communication regarding SAP appeals will be sent to the student’s MWSU email account.

Appeals will be reviewed by the University Satisfactory Academic Progress Committee through the mid-point of each semester. Appeals received after this date, may not be considered.  Students will be notified of the committee’s decision within three (3) weeks of the appeal submission date (assuming all required documentation is provided).  If the committee is unable to approve the appeal, the student will be required to use their  own financial resources to cover the cost of education until they are again meeting the academic standards necessary to receive Federal aid. The last day to drop classes without charge may be  found online at

The decision of the University Satisfactory Academic Progress Committee is final.

Probationary Period – Academic Plan

A probationary period may be granted only after a student has appealed and has had eligibility for aid reinstated based on the appeal. Students who are granted a probationary period will be required to adhere to an academic plan that, if followed, should ensure the student will achieve the academic standards required to receive Federal financial assistance and complete their degree program within the maximum timeframe.

As a general rule, a student on an academic plan will be required to:

    • successfully complete all attempted courses with a passing grade and not audit or withdraw from any course;
    • maintain the GPA requirement indicated in the plan; and
    • satisfy any additional requirements as deemed appropriate by the Appeals Committee.

In addition, the student may be required to enroll in only those courses required for completion of their degree program and may not be allowed to change majors without approval from the Satisfactory Academic Progress Committee.

A student on financial aid probation may receive Title IV funds for one semester. At that point, the student must meet satisfactory academic progress standards or the requirements of the established individual academic plan to maintain eligibility for federal financial assistance.

Remedial and Repeated Coursework

Federal regulations allow students to receive financial aid for up to 30 credit hours of remedial coursework.  Remedial coursework taken in excess of this limitation must be excluded from the student’s financial aid enrollment status.

Federal financial aid regulations allow students to repeat any coursework previously taken in the program as long as it is not a result of more than one repetition of a previously passed course, or any repetition of a previously passed course due to the student failing other coursework.

Repeating coursework can affect a student’s satisfactory academic progress status in the following manner:

  • The repeated course and the original attempt will be counted in calculation of overall attempted hours; and
  • The most recent grade received for the course will be included in the calculation of GPA.

Communication of Satisfactory Academic Progress Status

All communication regarding eligibility for Federal financial aid will be sent to the student’s Missouri Western email account.

Although students will be notified should they fall below satisfactory academic progress standards, it is the student’s responsibility to know his or her academic standing in regard to this policy. Failure to receive notification does not dispute or reverse the termination of a student’s eligibility to receive financial assistance.

Special Circumstances Appeal

The Higher Education Act of 1965 (HEA) provides the authority for the financial aid administrator to exercise discretion in a number of areas when a student has special or unusual circumstances. This authority is known as professional judgment. It allows the financial aid administrator to treat a student individually when conditions exist that differentiate that student from a class of students.

Professional judgment can be exercised in the areas of:

  • cost of attendance;
  • certain data elements used to calculate the expected family contribution (EFC);
  • unsubsidized Direct loan eligibility for dependent students whose parents have refused to help support the student financially and refuse to complete the FAFSA;
  • additional unsubsidized Direct loan eligibility for dependent students whose parents were approved for a PLUS loan but have demonstrated inability to borrow or repay the loan; and/or
  • other unusual circumstance.

An appeal requesting adjustments to FAFSA data elements (income, family size, etc.) should include:

  • a COMPLETE Special Circumstances Appeal (Goldlink); and 
  • documentation necessary to support the appeal.

Examples of requested documentation include:

  • unemployment benefit statement
  • last pay stub
  • social security benefit statement
  • severance benefits
  • workman’s compensation received
  • paid receipts, cancelled checks
  • official court documentation
  • statement from parent(s)
  • other documentation to substantiate the request

An appeal requesting a reversal of a PLUS loan approval should include:

  • a complete Parent Loan Approval Appeal (Goldlink); and
  • a copy of parent(s) most recent Federal tax return (if not previously submitted) or
  • documentation of all income sources for non-filers.

An appeal regarding a higher than average cost of attendance should include:

  • a Cost of Attendance Budget Adjustment Appeal form (available upon request);
  • an explanation of the extenuating circumstance and additional expenses; and
  • supporting documentation. 

Additional Information

A Professional judgment determination cannot be based solely on the fact that the student was approved the previous award year. However, the previous year’s determination may be a factor in the decision.

In addition, approval of an appeal by a financial aid administrator at another college or university does not mean that a similar determination will automatically be made by Missouri Western. However, the other school’s decision may be a factor in the determination.

Professional judgment determinations are always made by the Missouri Western Office of Financial Aid on an individual, case-by-case basis.

Transfer Students (Eligibility)

Official transcripts from all college level coursework must be received and evaluated prior to determining a student’s final eligibility for federal financial assistance. No financial assistance will be disbursed until it has been determined that the student is maintaining the academic standards outlined in Missouri Western’s Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy. Students should be aware that it can take up to 30 days to complete an evaluation once all transcripts have been received. Students who submit official transcripts after the midpoint of the semester will not be guaranteed financial aid for that semester.

A transfer student who has earned a cumulative GPA that is below a 2.00 or who has not successfully completed at least 67% of the courses he or she has attempted will not be eligible for federal financial assistance. Please refer to Missouri Western’s Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy for information regarding the student’s right to appeal.

A student seeking a first bachelor’s degree, who has attempted greater than 134 hours (60 attempted hours for associate’s degree seeking students), will be required to submit a letter of appeal to the Satisfactory Academic Progress Committee.

If it is determined that the student cannot complete degree requirements within the maximum timeframe outlined in Missouri Western’s Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy, he or she will become ineligible for federal financial assistance.

Transfer students are encouraged to contact the Financial Aid Office for additional information.

Treatment of Federal Aid When a Student Withdraws or Stops Attending

Federal regulations specify how Missouri Western must determine the amount of Title IV program assistance that a student has earned if he or she officially withdraws or stops attending. The Title IV programs that are governed by this law are the Federal Pell Grant, TEACH Grant, Direct Loan, PLUS Loan and Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FSEOG).

When a student withdraws or stops attending, the amount of assistance that the student has earned is determined on a prorata basis. For example, if the student has completed 30% of the semester, he or she has earned 30% of the assistance that was scheduled for the period. Once a student has completed more than 60% of the semester, he or she has earned all scheduled assistance for the period. If the student did not receive all of the assistance that was earned, a post-withdrawal disbursement may be due.

If the post-withdrawal disbursement includes loan funds, Missouri Western must receive the student’s permission before these funds may be disbursed. The student may choose to decline some, or all, of the loan funds so that additional debt is not incurred.

Missouri Western may automatically use all, or a portion of the student’s post-withdrawal disbursement of grant funds for tuition, fees, and room and board charges, however, will require permission to use the post-withdrawal grant disbursement for all other charges. It may be in the student’s best interest to allow Missouri Western to keep the funds to reduce debt with the institution.

There may be Title IV funds that cannot be disbursed once a student withdraws because of other eligibility requirements.

If a student has received unearned Title IV program funds, Missouri Western MUST return a portion of the excess that is equal to the student’s institutional charges multiplied by the unearned percentage of funds or the entire amount of unearned funds, whichever is less.

Funds will be returned in the following order:

  1. Unsubsidized Direct Loan
  2. Subsidized Direct Loan
  3. Direct PLUS Loans
  4. Federal Pell Grants
  5. Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant
  6. Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant
  7. Federal TEACH Grant

If Missouri Western is not required to return all of the unearned funds, the student must return the remaining amount. Any loan funds that the student must return may be repaid in accordance with the terms of the promissory note. That is, the student may make scheduled payments to the holder of the loan over a period of time.

Any amount of unearned grant funds that a student must return is called an overpayment. The maximum amount of a grant overpayment that the student must repay is half of the grant funds he or she received or was scheduled to receive. The student must make arrangements with the Missouri Western Business Office to return unearned grant funds.

The Office of Financial Aid will calculate the amount of return within 30 days of withdrawal, return those funds as required within 45 days of your withdrawal, and advise you by mail of the amount reversed, which will normally result in a balance due to Missouri Western. You will then have 30 days to either remit the full amount or make satisfactory arrangements for repayment.

The requirements for Title IV program funds when a student withdraws or stops attending are separate from Missouri Western’s Refund Policy. Therefore, a student may still owe funds to Missouri Western to cover unpaid institutional charges. The student will also be responsible for any Title IV program funds that Missouri Western was required to return on his or her behalf.

Missouri Western’s complete withdrawal policy in available online at

If you have questions about your Title IV program funds, you can call the Federal Student Aid Information  Center at 1-800-4-FEDAID (1-800-433-3243). Information is also available on Student Aid on the Web at