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Risk Management
& Safety

University Vehicles
State vehicles are to be used for official business only, not for personal use. (Section 301.260 RSMo) All laws are to be followed including the wearing of seat belts.

University vehicles are to be operated only by MWSU employees as defined by the Attorney General’s office. The individual must receive a pay check from MWSU and hold the appropriate valid drivers license. Unless otherwise provided by law, non-MWSU individuals such as volunteers, spouses and children should not operate state vehicles nor should they be passengers in a MWSU vehicle unless they are on official MWSU business.

Liability to other persons (bodily injury and property damage) due to employee negligence in the operation of a MWSU vehicle will be covered by the State provided that the employee was operating the vehicle on official business within the scope of their employment.

Personal Cars
Some conditions of state employment may necessitate the use of personal vehicles for official business.

Like most employers, MWSU pays mileage when a personal vehicle is used for official business and authorization is approved prior to the travel.

The established mileage reimbursement rate takes into consideration all costs of owning and operating a vehicle including depreciation. The reimbursement rate represents full compensation for the costs of operating your vehicle and therefore you maintain total responsibility to adequately insure, safely operate, properly maintain and protect your own vehicle. Physical damage or loss to your private vehicle and/or personal property contents is not covered by the state. Coverage should be obtained through personal auto insurance.

Your private insurance is considered the primary carrier when using your auto for business trips. You are protected beyond that by the State Legal Expense Fund, up to a maximum provided by law, once all other policies have been exhausted.

Most private auto policies exclude business activities. However, exclusions may vary depending on the extent of business usage. Not all policies are the same and levels of coverage differ. Refer to your policy or contact your agent for coverage specifics.

Vehicle Accident Reporting Procedures

On-Campus Accidents
Regardless of severity of accident:

  • Notify Campus Security
  • Notify the Risk Manager or the Office of the Vice President for Financial Planning and Administration
  • Notify your supervisor
  • Contact emergency personnel if needed. If it’s possible, call your supervisor as soon as accident occurs and/or call 271-4226, Risk Manager.

Off-Campus Accidents
Regardless of the severity of accident:

  • Notify Police
  • Notify the Risk Manager or the Office of the Vice President for Financial Planning and Administration
  • Notify your supervisor

Contact emergency personnel if needed. If it’s possible, call your supervisor as soon as accident occurs and/or call 271-4226, Risk Manager.

Contact the nearest law enforcement official. Do not make any statement concerning assumption of liability. Give only the information required by the law enforcement authorities. Do not sign any statements except those required by law enforcement or risk management officials.

Obtain the following information of other drivers and any other persons involved:

  • Name, address and telephone numbers
  • Vehicle registration information
  • Drivers license number
  • Insurance company name

Report the accident to risk management at MWSU. Complete in full an Automobile Loss Notice Form and return it to Popplewell Hall 226. This form can be obtained from the downloadable forms section of this website, (816) 271-4226.

Request a copy of the police report and forward to Popplewell Hall 226.

It is better if the police are notified in the event of any accident. Example: You back into someone and there is no obvious damage. A police report is not filed. Later that night they wreck their car and accuse you of causing the damage.


Mike CrutchfieldMike Crutchfield
Email: mcrutchfield@missouriwestern.edu
Location: Physical Plant
Phone: (816) 271-4232

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