Publicity Request Form

Faculty and staff are encouraged to submit information about newsworthy events, awards, recognition and scholarly activities to the Marketing & Communications Department for possible inclusion in University publications and media distribution.

Please complete the Publicity Request Form below to submit your information. Contact us at with any questions about the form or assistance our department can provide to promote your news.

The Publicity Request Form is routed across campus to ensure your target audience is reached. Please see more details about each of the publications produced at Missouri Western.

Publication Audience Schedule Contact
Griffon Weekly Faculty and Staff Published every Wednesday with the exception of breaks and summer.

Submissions are due by 4 p.m. on Monday for possible inclusion in Wednesday’s issue.
Griffon Post Current Students Published every Thursday with the exception of breaks and summer.

Submissions are due by noon on Wednesday before publication.
Griff Gab Alumni Published on the first of each month.
Griffon News Campus and Community Weekly
Family Newsletter Families of current students Bi-monthly