By: Lindsay Gomez & Brittany Price

We’ve all met a superhero.

A mother can be an example of a superhero.

There are numerous mothers that attend Western full-time while also being a mom.

Kelsea Hall, a senior at Western studying public relations, is a mom of two children and one on the way. Her greatest challenge every day is to just keep going.

“Sometimes being a mom is an inconvenience at times,” Hall said. “But my kids are being exposed to the college environment, especially my oldest, and that is something that is very important to me.”

Lindsay Gomez has attended Missouri Western since 2010, but had to take a few breaks because of her personal life including her daughter’s birth. However, she did not let that stop her from coming back to finish her degree. She said she did not want becoming a mother to stop her from accomplishing things and meeting her professional needs.

“The best part about being a mom in college is knowing that I’m doing it, and I’m doing it well,” Gomez said. “I’m pushing myself to do this every semester, every day and accomplishing it.”

Katherine Moore is a junior, and a mom to a newborn baby, Everitt Knight. Moore’s mother is attending classes with her to help take care of the baby while in class since she is breastfeeding.

“It has been really challenging carrying all of his stuff with me from each class,” Moore said. “My classmates and professors have all been supportive of my decision to bring Everitt to class.”

Mothers are superheroes because they sacrifice themselves and their time for their children and their families. Mothers don’t have superpowers or super fame, but they have something better than that: mothers have endless love and dedication in all they do.

Which makes mothers better than any superhero in the movies.