You’ve heard of Throwback Thursdays and Flashback Fridays. Well, a day has been added to recognize these memories. The Center for Multicultural Education decided to bring it waaaay back by hosting their ‘80s themed Way Back Wednesday event. Students and sponsors gathered together to play board games, enjoy refreshments, and listen to some throwback jams.

“The directors, Latoya, Isaiah and Dania, decided to come up with it and decided to give it to the program assistants to come up with the actual theme and just wanted a place where people can get to know one another,” junior and program assistant Alexis Williams said.

Bringing everyone together was the ultimate goal, comparing 2015 styles and way of life to how it was in the ‘80s. The CME has decided to put something together once a month for students. Students seemed to really enjoy this event as it was filled with fun, laughter and positive vibes.

“I mostly enjoyed the music, the games and everything in general,” said freshman Paul Granberry. “The environment was spectacular and I wouldn’t trade it for anything else in the world. I truly believe that they need to bring the ‘90s theme to campus.”

These events are opportunities for the students on campus to come together, forge new friendships, and get a feel for campus activities.

“I came to Way Back Wednesday just to see the culture of our students here at Missouri Western,” said freshman Eugenia Wallace. “I’m a freshman, so I kind of wanted to see how things are and what things are available for students like me, and especially just kind of get my feet wet in different organizations.”

The ‘80s were filled with fashion, funk and neon life. When one thinks of the ‘80s, what do you think of? If you’re unsure, make sure you attend these events to capture the essence of what once was. These events are to keep students updated on even more events to come. Just imagine looking back in 20 years and remembering 2015.