The 14 peer institutions for MWSU in 2016 are the following:

Cameron University
Chadron State College
Cheyney University of Pennsylvania
Dalton State College
Langston University
Lincoln University
Montana State University-Billings
New Mexico Highlands University
Shawnee State University
University of Alaska Southeast
University of Arkansas at Monticello
University of Maine at Augusta
Wayne State College
Western New Mexico University

Missouri Western State University prefers to compare to other institutions that offer Baccalaureate degrees or higher, are open admission, have a total of all revenues and other additions between $40,000,000 and $70,000,000, have a full-time, first-time degree seeking cohort between 1 and 1,200 students, and are state controlled.  Here is how MWSU achieves this.

Using the IPDES data center:

Link on Compare Individual Institutions
Select Use final release data and continue
Hover over By Variables and then link on Browse/Search Variables
Search for Carnegie and select Institutional Characteristics
Select years and select Carnegie Classification: Basic and continue
Hover over By Variables and then link on Browse/Search Variables
Search for primary public control and select Institutional Characteristics
Select years and select Primary public control and continue
Hover over By Variables and then link on Browse/Search Variables
Search for open admission policy and select Admissions and Test Scores
Select years and select Open admission policy and continue
Hover over By Variables and then link on Browse/Search Variables
Link on Retention rates, Entering Class and Student to faculty ratio, link on Total Entering Class, select years, select Full-time first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate (current year GRS cohort), then link on Finance, link on Public institutions – GASB 34/35, link on
Revenues and other additions, select years, select Total all revenues and other additions and then continue
Select Continue
Select Primary public control and select State and save
Select Carnegie Classification 2010: Basic and select Doctoral/Research Universities, all three Master’s options and
all three Baccalaureate options and save
Select Full-time first-time degree/certificate-seeking undergraduate, select range, set between 1 and 1200, and save
Select Total all revenues and other additions, select range, set between 40,000,000 and 70,000,000, and save
Select Open admission policy and yes and save
Select Submit