Accounting, Business, Finance, Marketing, and Management
Please call (816) 271-4338.
If you are seeking an internship, or have an internship opportunity for students in the Craig School of Business, please send an email request to business@missouriwestern.edu to get started. You can see more information about the Craig School of Business Internship program by visiting Craig School of Business

Existing Departmental Contacts
If you already have a relationship with an academic department in regard to finding interns, please continue to work with your existing contact.

All Others
Please call (816) 271-4100.
If your business would like to sponsor an intern from Missouri Western or you are a student lookin for an internship opportunity, please contact the Griffon Office of Applied Learning. The GOAL staff will work with you to connect you with an appropriate academic department or campus unit. If you would like to post a general opening for an internship position please reach out to the MWSU Career Development Office
Missouri Western State University –
designated by the State of Missouri as the official applied learning institution in the state.
Applied learning refers to any activity outside of the classroom in which students use discipline ‐ specific knowledge, including internships, practica, and student/faculty research. Undergraduate students who engage in applied learning get an education that better prepares them to enter the workforce or pursue graduate study.
In order for an internship to be considered a good opportunity for Missouri Western students, it MUST offer an applied academic learning opportunity.
Students who complete an internship will have an insider’s view of their chosen field, important professional contacts and a boost to their resume.
Interns from Missouri Western will be earning academic credit for their time at your business. Paperwork describing the internship’s learning objectives from the employer will be required. Employers will also be required to submit an end-of-semester evaluation that will be used in assessing the student’s grade.
Why are internship experiences important to students?
Employers place high value on skills gained through job experience. Internships provide students with the opportunity to learn firsthand about their intended career. Whether pursuing a career as a scientist, accountant, social worker, artist, teacher, journalist or pursuing another post-baccalaureate or post-graduate career, interns develop specific skills and gain experiences that increase their value to potential employers by making them more effective employees.
Students engaged in internships are monitored and mentored in their work site. They are also monitored and mentored by a faculty member. Journals, papers and/or discussions with other students and/or faculty allow interns to reflect on their internship experiences and to relate them to the coursework in their major.
Depending on the nature of the internship, students typically work at least 45 to 75 hours on-site for every credit hour they earn.
Internships may be paid or unpaid.
Interns are expected to:
- Protect confidential information about the organization providing the internship and information regarding clients of the organization (e.g., business clients, students, patients).
- Establish and follow a work schedule approved by the sponsoring organization.
- Working with the sponsoring organization and faculty mentor, create learning objectives for the internship.
- Represent their sponsoring organization, MWSU, and themselves in a professional manner.