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Childhood Studies

Childhood Studies2022-09-27T10:46:55-05:00

Missouri Western State University offers an interdisciplinary minor in Childhood Studies. This minor is intended for those students who have child-related emphases in their major disciplines, such as juvenile delinquency, child psychology, or pediatrics, or for those who simply wish to learn more about the subject of childhood. The minor will also provide a foundation of study for those students who intend to go on to professional or graduate school in order to study in child-related areas. This minor does not provide students with certification to teach in the state of Missouri.

The following faculty members teach courses related to Childhood Studies:

Teddi Deka, Director Psychology
Pam Clary Social Work
Grey Endres Social Work
Mackenzie Evans Nursing
Jana Frye Social Work
Ali Kamali Sociology
Suzanne Kissock Legal Studies
Greg Lindsteadt Criminal Justice
Laura Nold Nursing
Beth Potts Education
Christine Ziemer Psychology
Children in a classroom

Childhood Studies Minor

Missouri Western State University offers an interdisciplinary minor in childhood studies. This minor is intended for those students who have child-related emphases in their major disciplines, such as juvenile delinquency, child psychology, or pediatrics or for those who simply wish to learn more about the subject of childhood.  The minor will also provide a foundation of study for those students who intend to go on to professional or graduate school in order to study in child-related areas. This minor does not provide students with certification to teach in the state of Missouri.

Each student interested in this minor should discuss with his or her major academic advisor which courses best fit that student's discipline and concentration area as well as which general studies courses need to be chosen to satisfy prerequisites.

To insure that the minor is a truly interdisciplinary experience, at least three disciplines must be represented with no more than nine hours coming from any one discipline:

Minor Requirements
Select eighteen credit hours from the following:18
Introduction to Juvenile Justice
Juvenile Law and Procedures
Family, Community, and Schools: Partnering for Young Children 1
Psychology and Education of the Exceptional Child 2
Children's Literature 2
Collaborating with Families and School Personnel for Inclusion
Literature for Adolescents
Child Growth and Motor Development
Domestic Relations
Maternal/Newborn Nursing
Pediatric Nursing
Life-Span Developmental Psychology 3
Child/Adolescent Psychology
Child Psychopathology and Social Dynamics 3
The Family
Family and Child Welfare
Theatre for Children and Youth
Internship: Relevant field experience/practicum/internship through any academic department 4
Relevant Special Topics Course offered through any academic department 4
Relevant Independent Study arranged with any full-time faculty member 4
Total Credit Hours18

University Graduation Requirements

  1. Have a valid and declared major on file (minors cannot be awarded in the same areas as the major, emphasis or concentration).
  2. Earn a minimum of 3 credit hours beyond the major, emphasis, concentration and/or general studies requirements.
  3. Earn a minor GPA of at least 2.0.

Are you ready to declare this minor? Download, sign and submit the form to the Director of Childhood Studies.

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