Gambians are friendly in general. Some will greet you on the street. Others will linger longer. That is usually a sign they want something. I let my guard down on this beautiful afternoon on the ocean. Alex is a commonly used English name in The Gambia. People who work in the tourist industry take on English names to make it easy for their customers to remember and pronounce. I should have been more on guard when

People who work in the tourist industry use English names to make it easy for their customers to remember and pronounce. I should have been more on guard when “Alex” introduced himself as I hit the beach. We chatted while we walked along the surf to the Senegalese fishing village. Shortly after he showed me this snail and explained it may be exported to China to be used for medicinal purposes I knew I had two choices. I could send him on his way, which could be easier said than done, or pay the tourist tax at the end. He had already warded off this snail processor from charging me for this picture, so I figured I might get my money’s worth in the end.