Keeping your distance:

If you feel sick, you must stay home and away from others on campus.

Taking your temperature, monitoring symptoms:

Employees and students who will be on campus must conduct symptom self-monitoring every day before reporting to work, class or any other campus activity. Employees must be free of ANY symptoms potentially related to COVID-19 or have had evaluation and clearance by a health professional in order to be on campus.

These are all matters of personal responsibility; we are not requesting or requiring any reporting or documentation of these actions.

COVID-19 symptoms:

At this time, symptoms include one or more of the following:Cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fever above 100.4, chills, repeated shaking with chills, runny nose or new sinus congestion, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, fatigue, new gastrointestinal symptoms, new loss of taste or smell.

CDC Symptom Checker