student in chemistry lab

The Summer Fellowship – Faculty Research Grant Program, a competitive research grant program generously funded  through the MWSU Foundation, is designed to support the research programs of  MWSU faculty which foster the University’s mission of applied learning and enhance an educational environment that enriches both student growth and faculty professional development.  

Program funding will be available for two summer cycles, the first beginning in summer 2023, and the second in summer 2024. Each successful grant application will be awarded up to $7,500; up to six grants will be funded per summer cycle. Faculty grant awardees will determine the distribution of their funding (e.g., summer salary, student assistants, travel, etc.). 

Ideally, grant funding should be used as “seed money” to assist in the development of new programs of research and/or scholarly activity.  Alternatively, grants may also be used for continuing research programs which are branching into novel areas of scholarly and/or research activity.  Recognizing that the essence of research varies significantly from discipline to discipline, faculty from all academic areas are invited to apply.

Please review the resources provided on this page for additional details.

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