The Chemistry Department maintains a large array of advanced instrumentation. Students begin using equipment in the General Chemistry I course, CHE 111. The use of instrumentation to investigate chemical problems is continued through the curriculum in order to adequately prepare students for the workplace or for advanced education. In general, students are taught instrumentation at three levels 1) an exposure to the instrumentation and the kinds of problems that can be solved with it, 2) a method development level/ use of the instrumentation to solve chemical problems and, 3) a theory and troubleshooting level.


BIO100 UV/Vis

BIO100 UV/Vis

Olis Circular Dichorism Spectrometer

Olis Circular Dichorism Spectrometer

Bio-Rad Excalibur Series FTIR

Bio-Rad Excalibur Series FTIR

Agilent Technologies Cary 630 FTIR

Agilent Technologies Cary 630 FTIR

Fluorescence Spectrometer

Fluorescence Spectrometer

Rudolph Research Analytical Autopol I Automatic Polarimeter

Rudolph Research Analytical Autopol I Automatic Polarimeter

Perkin-Elmer AAnalyst 300 Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer

Perkin-Elmer AAnalyst 300 Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer

Bruker Avance 300 MHZ NMR

Bruker Avance 300 MHZ NMR


Hitachi Instruments LaChrom2000

Hitachi Instruments LaChrom2000

Varian 450 dual column GC with MS and FID detection

Varian 450 dual column GC with MS and FID detection

Hewlett Packard 5890/5971 Bench top GC-MS

Hewlett Packard 5890/5971 Bench top GC-MS

Tekmar LSC 2000 Purge and Trap

Tekmar LSC 2000 Purge and Trap

Home Built Capillary Electrophoresis System with Fluorescence Detection

Home Built Capillary Electrophoresis System with Fluorescence Detection

Three HP 5890 Gas Chromatograph Systems with TCD and FID detectors

Three HP 5890 Gas Chromatograph Systems with TCD and FID detectors


BASi Epsilon Electrochemical Workstation

BASi Epsilon Electrochemical Workstation

EG&G Princeton Applied Research Polarographic Analyzer

EG&G Princeton Applied Research Polarographic Analyzer



  • All laboratories are equipped with Microlab FS-522 data collection interfaces


  • Gateway Server with an Intel Dual-Core processor running at 3.0 GHz, 8 GB of MD-RAM
  • Home-built 32-processor server with 64 GB of HD-RAM
  • GAMESS Computational Chemistry Software Package
  • Gaussian 09 Computational Chemistry Software Package
  • Gaussview
  • AMBER 11.0 Computational Chemistry Software Package


  • Sonics VibraCell Ultrasonic Processor/Cell Disruptor
  • American Scientific Products Omnifuge RT Refrigerated Centrifuge
  • Barnstead Ultrapure Water System
  • Dry Box
  • Schlenk Lines