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Turtle Life at MWSU

2020-03-11T10:02:07-05:00January 7th, 2020|Biology, Campus News, Features, Magazine|

Editor’s note: I had heard about Dr. Mark Mills’ campus turtle research and decided to tag along one day this past summer and check out his and his students’ work with Griffon turtles.   Faye Thammarat and Mistina Wheeler With nine ponds and a creek running through Missouri [...]

Griffons in DC

2020-01-07T14:56:26-06:00January 7th, 2020|Art, Campus News, Craig School of Business, Features, Magazine|

Carr interns at National Portrait Gallery Student Alexis Carr always loved art and knew that’s what she wanted to major in, but she says she “found her calling” when she took her first art history class. And last summer, she found her dream internship when she was selected to work [...]

Grapes and Chemistry: Students in the Vineyard

2020-01-07T14:49:24-06:00January 7th, 2020|Campus News, Features, Magazine|

Everyone knows how important it is for students to get out in the field and get some experience outside the classroom, but chemistry students this year are getting out in, well, the vineyard. It all began about nine years ago, when Kevin Carver, who lives near Faucett, Missouri, planted 140 [...]

Indigo Gets Her Wings

2020-01-07T14:43:50-06:00January 7th, 2020|Campus News, Features, Magazine|

Indigo Gaydusek '19 Every time Indigo Gaydusek ’19 drives down Frederick Avenue, she sees her very large artwork on the side of a brick building at 13th and Frederick. Gaydusek, who graduated with a studio art – painting degree with minors in printmaking and sculpture last May, was [...]

Missouri Western Paints Up the Southside

2020-01-07T14:22:48-06:00January 7th, 2020|Campus News, Magazine|

Thanks to faculty and students from Missouri Western, Southside St. Joseph is shining with beautiful artwork. This past summer, four students and two alumni under the guidance of Kathy Liao, assistant professor of art, designed and painted an 80'x20' mural on a building on the corner of Lake and Illinois [...]

News Briefs Winter 2020

2020-01-07T14:18:41-06:00January 7th, 2020|Campus News, Chemistry, College of Professional Studies, Education, Library, Magazine|

New master’s degree for teachers Missouri Western began offering a new master’s degree for teachers this fall that is 100% online. The Master of Applied Science in Assessment Differentiated Instruction is for teachers or administrators in pre-K through 12th grade. “Today’s Pre-K-12 classrooms are more diverse than ever, and finding [...]

New Vice Presidents Named

2020-01-07T14:14:28-06:00January 7th, 2020|Academic Affairs, Administration, Campus News, Magazine, President, Sports, University Advancement|

This past summer, President Matt Wilson announced the filling of two open vice president positions and two new vice presidential positions. Dr. Doug Davenport, associate provost of research, planning and institutional effectiveness, had been serving as interim provost and vice president for Academic Affairs for the past year. He was [...]

University Receives $1 Million Grant

2020-01-07T14:00:17-06:00January 7th, 2020|Campus News, Magazine|

Missouri Western received a $1 million grant from the Sunderland Foundation for the construction of the Drew H. Brown Arts Annex for Potter Hall. “We are extremely grateful to the Sunderland Foundation for their investment in our students and their futures,” said Matt Wilson, Missouri Western’s president. “The facilities made [...]

President’s Letter Winter 2020

2020-01-07T13:51:06-06:00January 7th, 2020|Campus News, Magazine|

Dear Friends, It is amazing that six months have passed since I assumed the reins at Missouri Western. Since my President Matt Wilson and former president Dr. M. O. Looney arrival, I have truly enjoyed getting out in the community, visiting local high schools, connecting with civic organizations, [...]